Empty Chair for Vladimir Kozlov
Poster used for the empty chair dedicated to Kazakh journalist Vladimir Kozlov, and signed by the members of various Centres during the biennial ICORN Network Meeting and PEN International...
Empty Chair for Ilham Tohti
Poster used for the empty chair dedicated to Uyghur writer Ilham Tohti, and signed by the members of various Centres during the biennial ICORN Network Meeting and PEN International...
2003 PEN Congress poster
Poster advertising the 69th PEN International Congress, which took place on 22-28 November 2003, in Mexico City, Mexico, and titled Cultural Diversity and Freedom of Expression.
1993 PEN Congress poster
Poster advertising the 60th PEN International Congress in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, which was held on 6-12 September 1993 and titled Roads of Literature. This Congress was hosted by...
2008 PEN Congress poster
Poster advertising the 74th PEN International Congress in Bogotá, Colombia, which was held on 17-22 September 2008 and titled The Role of the Word. This Congress was hosted...
Volume 1 of The Network/Le Réseau/La Red
Front cover of The Network/Le Réseau/La Red, Vol. 1, no. 1 (Autumn 1993). This is the cover of the first ever edition of The Network/Le Réseau/La Red - a...
Día de los Muertos 2018
Video of events held by the San Miguel de Allende Centre for Día de los Muertos in San Miguel de Allende on 1-2 November 2018. In this video Judyth...
Folder for San Miguel conferences
Front of a delegate's folder containing documents relating to two of PEN International's conferences: the 4th International Writers in Prison Committee Conference and the 3rd Conference of the Latin...
Poster for the Alfabetos series
Poster created by the Colombian Centre promoting three volumes of a book series created by fifty Colombian writers and edited by Carlos Vásquez Zawadzki, president of the Colombian Centre...
Interview with Carlos Vásquez-Zawadzki
Copy (incomplete) of Andrés Pinzón Sinuco, "El PEN Colombia de escritores busca jóvenes talentos," El Universal, 1 Febuary 2015. In this article the Colombian journalist Andrés Pinzón Sinuco interviews...
Article announcing Tertulia Literaria Baldomero Sanín Cano
Copy of Redacción Cultural, "PEN Colombia de escritores presenta libros," El Universal, 24 May 2013. This article announces Tertulia Literaria Baldomero Sanín Cano, a literary event that took place...
Nuevas Voces Literarias competition announced at the Hay Festival
Copy of an article titled "Hay PEN en el Hay," in El Universal by Sara Marcela Bozzi. This article reports on the Colombian Centre's participation in the annually celebrated...
Alfabetos Ensayísticos and Alfabetos Narrativos
Front covers of two volumes of Vásquez-Zawadzki, Carlos, ed. Alfabetos Narrativos/Ensayísticos. Bogotá: Caza de libros and Pen International/Colombia, 2013. These books were edited by Carlos Vásquez-Zawadzki, president of the...
"Mea Culpa" statement
Statement issued by the Chilean Centre in April 2016 titled 'Centro PEN Chile: Declaración del Directorio', f. 1. This statement from the Chilean Centre's Board reaffirms that the Centre's...
Invitation to a poetry recital
Invitation to a poetry recital that was organised by the Chilean Centre and held at Hotel Neruda in Santiago, on 20 July 2017.
81st Anniversary
Report titled 'Un Feliz Aniversario: 81 Años de Centro PEN Chile', which was created by the Chilean Centre in 2016, ff. 4. This report was issued to celebrate the...
Literatura en vivo invitation
Invitation to a poetry recital organised by the Chilean Centre, which took place at the Centro Cultural de España in Santiago on 3 November 2016. The title of this...
Chilean Centre logo
Logo used by the Chilean Centre. The logo's design, featuring a book and quill, uses the year that PEN International was established - 1921.
President Emeritus L'Huillier Christie
Certificate presented to Aileen L'Huillier Christie upon becoming president emeritus of the Chilean Centre in 2017. This certificate is signed by Jorge Ragal, president of the Chilean Centre (2016-21),...
Chilean Centre statutes
Chilean Centre's statutes, 2016, ff. 16. The Chilean Centre was first established in Santiago on 29 November 1936 but became dormant in 1973 after a coup d'état on 11...
Ragal's letter to El Mercurio
Press cutting of a letter sent into editor of the Santiago based newspaper El Mercurio by Jorge Ragal Galdames, president of the Chilean Centre (2016-21). In the letter, which...
Día Nacional del Libro 2018
Invitation from the Chilean Centre inviting Chilean writers to celebrate Día Nacional del Libro with them on 29 November 2018. This literary event was held in Santiago and focused...
Protest in Santiago, 2017
Poster created to advertise a demonstration that was organised by the Chilean Centre and staged at Plaza de la Cultura in Santiago on 7 November 2017. This protest, titled...
International Day of Non-Violence 2018
Poster for a poetry event that was organised by the Chilean Centre and titled Jornada de Poesía por la Paz, which took place at the Centro Cultural de España...
PEN International in La Vanguardia
Copy (fragmentary) of "El XIII Congreso internacional de Pen Clubs: la sesion inaugral - Discursos de Pompeo Fabra y H.G. Wells," La Vanguardia, 22 May 1935: 7-8. This article...
Programme of events for new members
Programme for an event organised by the Bolivian Centre titled Programa Ingreso Nuevos Socios, which welcomed new members to the Centre. This event took place at the offices of...
Autocensura en Bolivia Report
Report written in 2015 by Melita del Carpio, secretary of the Bolivian Centre (2017-20), titled 'Autocensura en Bolivia', which was presented at a conference titled Autocensura y Libertad de...
The Bolivian Centre Manifesto
Copy of the Bolivian Centre's 2014 statutes, ff. 14. The first PEN Centre in Bolivia was established in 1931, but after a period of inactivity was declared dormant in...
Report sent to Gloria Guardia
Report written by Melita del Carpio in 2014 titled 'Informe a Gloria Guardia: Cambios en el PEN Bolivia para un nuevo tiempo', ff. 4. In this report del Carpio,...
World Poetry Day 2014
Brochure for a event that was organised by the Bolivian Centre as part of World Poetry Day celebrations and took place in Cochabamba on 21 March 2014. The event...
Annual General Meeting 2013
Photograph of representatives from different branches of the Bolivian Centre at the Centre's Annual General Meeting in 2013, which most likely took place in Cochabamba. Among them are: Gaby...
Annual General Meeting 2017
Photograph of members from different branches of the Bolivian Centre at the Centre's Annual General Meeting 2017, which took place on 9 July at the Sala Angostura of the...
Poetry evening in Cochabamba
Poster advertising a poetry evening organised by the Cochabamba branch of the Bolivian Centre as part of celebrations taking place for World Poetry Day. This event, titled Velada Poética,...
Letter from Latin American Centres to Rafael Correa
Draft of an electronically typed open letter sent by seven PEN Centre presidents to Rafael Correa, 22 February 2012, ff. 2. In this letter the presidents of seven Latin...
World Poetry Day flyer
Brochure advertising events organised by the Cochabamba branch of the Bolivian Centre as part of celebrations for World Poetry Day 2009, which were held in Cochabamba on 23-24 March...
Celebrating Yolanda Bedregal
Flyer advertising an event held to commemorate the life and work of Yolanda Bedregal, former secretary of the Bolivian Centre. This event was organised by the Cochabamba branch of...
Escritura de Mujer Conference
Front and back pages of a programme for a conference titled Escritura de Mujer, which was organised by the Bolivian Centre (at that time also known as the Committee...
Signario presentation
Photograph of PEN members and associates seated at a presentation of "Territorio de los Signos". PEN Bolivia: Signario, no.3 (September 2009). This journal is one of the Bolivian Centre's...
Launch of Escritores en Cochabamba
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members and associates at the presentation of Alba Fernández, Juan José. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo . Cochabamba: Los Tiempos, 1999. From...
Leer más para ser más books
Photograph of books and notebooks made by students as part of the Leer más para ser más project, a campaign organised by the Bolivian Centre to promote reading in...
IBBY Congress in Bolivia 2012
Photograph of members at the 5th Congreso del IBBY-Bolivia and the 3rd Congreso del IBBY del Sur 2012, which took place during the 5th Feria Internacional del Libro de...
Front cover of Signario
Front cover of "Territorio de los Signos". PEN Bolivia: Signario, no. 3, September 2009. This magazine is one of the Bolivian Centre's internal publications. The artwork on this...
Mulitlingual Poetry Festival
Photograph of a participant reciting text to an audience at the Multilingual Poetry Festival, an event that was organised by the Bolivian Centre and took place in Cochabamba on...
Con ojos y voz de mujer exhibition
Invitation to the opening of an Ibero-American touring exhibition titled Con ojos y voz de mujer, which took place in the headquarters of the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
2nd Cultural Identity Congress
Photograph of PEN members and literary associates at the Bolivian Centre's 2nd International Congress on Historical Heritage and Cultural Identity, which took place at the Centro Pedagógico y Cultural...
Literary event at Los Tiempos
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members seated during a literary recital that was held at the Los Tiempos offices in Cochabamba on 11 September 1994. From left to right are:...
Homage to Suárez and Martínez
Copy of "Homenaje póstumo a Suárez y Martínez," Opinión, 18 April . This article, published in the culture section of the Cochabamba based newspaper Opinión, announces an event that...
Conference announced in Los Tiempos
Copy of "Coloquio 'Escritura de Mujeres'...,”Los Tiempos, 7 December 1997. This extract from a larger article announces a conference promoting and championing women’s writing, which was organised by the...
Conference announced in La Razón Cultura
Copy of Eyzaguirre, Gloria. "Las mujeres 'toman' la palabra," La Razón, December 1997. This article, published in the culture section of La Razón, reports on a conference organised by...
Front cover of Teluria
Front cover of Teluria, vol.13, unknown year. The magazineTeluria was founded by the Woman's Committee of PEN Bolivia in 1996 as a space for the words and voices of...
Fiction in Escritores en Cochabamba
Front cover of Fernández, Alba and José, Juan. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo: Narrativa. Cochabamba: Grupo Canelas, 1999. In 1999 the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
Poetry in Escritores en Cochabamba
Front cover of Fernández, Alba and José, Juan. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo: Poesía. Cochabamba: Grupo Canelas, 1999. In 1999 the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
Essays in Escritores en Cochabamba
Front cover of Fernández, Alba and José, Juan. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo: Ensayos. Cochabamba: Grupo Canelas, 1999. In 1999 the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
Article announcing Teluria Magazine
Copy of "Editaron 'Teluria'," Los Tiempos, 22 December 1996. This article announces the establishment of the magazine Teluria, which was founded by the Committee of Women Writers of PEN...
Commemorating Yolanda Bedregal
Copy of a article titled "En memoria de Yolanda Bedregal". This article commemorates the celebrated Bolivian writer and former secretary of the Bolivian Centre, Yolanda Bedregal. The Bolivian Centre...
Oscar Muñoz conference
Press cutting from Los Tiempos titled "PEN Club Femenino auspicia conferencia de Oscar Muñoz" which was published on 26 May 1995. This article announces a conference organised by the...
Committee of Women Writers of the Bolivian Centre
Copy of "Crean en esta ciudad filial del PEN Club Internacional," Opinión, 28 December 1992. This article announces the first Board of directors of the Committee of Women Writers...
Benjamin Crémieux
Photograph of Benjamin Crémieux, then-secretary of the French Centre, addressing the room from a podium. Crémieux visited Buenos Aires in 1930 and was invited to preside over a dinner...
President Justo's reception
Photograph of members from the executive Board of the Argentinian Centre at a reception held by Agustín Pedro Justo, President of Argentina (1932-38). Justo can be seen seated second...
Sophia Wadia and Victoria Ocampo
Photograph of Sophia Wadia, seated in the centre, founder of the All-India Centre in 1933, with her sister, Ditabai, on the left, speaking with Victoria Ocampo, on the right,...
Neruda and García Lorca reception
Photograph of PEN members and Argentinian artists attending a reception held in honour of Pablo Neruda and Federico García Lorca. Neruda can be seen seated second from the left;...
García Lorca at Café Tortoni
Photograph of PEN members at a gathering hosted by La Sociedad Argentina de Autores in honour of Federico García Lorca, who visited Buenos Aires in 1933 to direct the...
Ibarguren and San Martín
Photograph of Carlos Ibarguren, on the right, former president of the Argentinian Centre, meeting Melchor de Almagro San Martín, on the left, an Andalusian writer and delegate from Spain....
Japanese Centre at 14th PEN Congress
Photograph of Japanese Centre members seated with Argentininan Centre members at the 14th PEN International Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1936, which took place on 5-15 September. Carlos Ibarguren,...
Calixto Oyuela and Georges Duhamel
Photograph of Calixto Oyuela, on the left, member of the Argentinian Centre, and Georges Duhamel, on the right, member of the French Centre. This photograph is likely to have...
President Justo's banquet, 1936
Photographie en surplomb des invités et membres du PEN assis aux tables pour un banquet organisé par Agustín Pedro Justo, Président de l'Argentine (1932-38). Le dîner a eu lieu...
Carolina Pombo de Barilari and Manuel Gálvez
Photograph of Manuel Gálvez, on the left, founder and first president of the Argentinian Centre, with Carolina Pombo de Barilari, on the right, an associate of the Argentinian Centre....
Ricardo Rojas
Photograph of the Argentinian writer and journalist Ricardo Rojas, one of the Argentinian Centre's earliest members. Rojas joined the Radical Party after the overthrow of President Hipólito Yrigoyen on...
The First Dinner
Photograph of PEN members attending the inaugral dinner of the newly formed Argentinian Centre (referred to here as the P.E.N. Club Buenos Aires), which took place at the Plaza...
Ricardo Rojas at a writing desk
Photograph of the Argentinian writer and journalist Ricardo Rojas, one of the Argentinian Centre's earliest members. Rojas joined the Radical Party after the overthrow of President Hipólito Yrigoyen on...
Leopoldo Lugones
Photograph of Leopoldo Lugones, an early Board member of the Argentinian Centre. Lugones was an important political and cultural figure in Argentina during the 1920s and 30s, and influenced...
Members seated during Congress
Photograph of PEN members at a PEN Congress, with Argentinian Centre members seated at a table. Handwritten captions on the reverse side of the photograph note that amongst them...
PEN Club dinner in 1930
Photograph of PEN members attending a dinner held by the recently formed Argentinian Centre (referred to here as the PEN Club) which was established on 8 April 1930. Handwritten...
The Third Dinner
Photograph of PEN members and associates attending the third dinner held by recently formed Argentinian Centre (referred to here as the P.E.N. Club Buenos Aires) which was established on...
Lugones speaking after the coup
Photograph of Leopoldo Lugones, an early Board member of the Argentinian Centre, speaking from a podium. A handwritten caption on the reverse side of this photograph notes that here,...
Manuel Gálvez
Photograph of Manuel Gálvez founder and first president of the Argentinian Centre. Gálvez was a novelist, poet, essayist, historian and biographer, and founded the Centre alongisde Eduardo...
Supporting Oscar López Rivera
Photograph of Rubis Camacho, on the left, and José Muratti, president of the Puerto Rican Centre (2014-16) wearing shirts on which the logo "32 X Oscar" can be seen....
Interview about the PEN Literary Contest 2014
Photograph of Silverio Pérez, in the centre, conducting an interview with Luce López Baralt, laureate of the National Essay Award, to the left, and José Muratti, president of the...
Third lecture of Simona Škrabec in Puerto Rico
Photograph of the third edition of a series of lectures given by Simona Škrabec, chair of the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee (TLRC) at PEN International (2014-20), in Puerto...
Second lecture of Simona Škrabec in Puerto Rico
Photograph of the second edition of a series of lectures given by Simona Škrabec, chair of the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee (TLRC) at PEN International (2014-20), in Puerto...
Agreement with the Centro de Estudios Avanzados
Photograph of the signing of an agreement between the Puerto Rican Centre and the Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe (CEAPR). This agreement, signed on...
Puerto Rican Centre offering workshops and lectures
Bulletin written by the Puerto Rican Centre, September 2014, f.1. This bulletin describes a workshop titled Taller avanzado de poesía, given by poet Hamid Galib, and a lecture titled...
Demonstration for International Workers' Day
Photograph of Sandra Santana, on the left, president of the Puerto Rican Centre (2016-18), Vanessa Droz, in the centre, former president of the Puerto Rican Centre, and Marie Ramos...
First regional meeting for the Centres in the Americas
Photograph taken during the first regional meeting of the PEN Centres of the Americas, which took place from 25 to 28 July 2018 in Buenos Aires and was attended...
Supporting the residents of Peñuelas
Photograph of members of the Puerto Rican Centre showing their support to the residents of Peñuelas, Puerto Rico, who had established an encampment to demonstrate against the dumping of...
Supporting the Auditoría YA Campaign
Photograph of members of the Puerto Rican Centre showing their support for the Auditoría YA campaign for an independent audit of Puerto Rico's public debt. This photograph was taken...
Encampment against coal ashes in Peñuelas
Photograph of members of the Puerto Rican Centre showing their support for the residents of Peñuelas, Puerto Rico, who had set up an encampment to demonstrate against the dumping...
Article announcing the Centre's first seminar
Article titled "Escritores buscan proyectar obras literarias al exterior", published by ABC Color, on 29 October 2009. This article announces the Paraguayan Centre's first international seminar, which was titled...
SADE members at FIL 2017
Photograph of members from the Paraguayan Centre with members of Sociedad Argentina De Escritores (SADE) at the Feria Internacional del Libro de Asunción (FIL) 2017, which was held on...
The Centre's first seminar
Poster for the first seminar organised by the Paraguayan Centre, which was titled Función Social de la Literatura en Paraguay. This seminar took place on 30-31 October 2009 and...
The Centre's literary magazines
Copies of all the Paraguayan Centre's literary magazines published since 2000. The magazine at the front of the display was created for the Centre's 75th anniversary in 2018. In...
Launch of the Centre's magazine
Copy of "El PEN Club de Paraguay presentó su revista", ABC Color, 1 February 1977. This article reports on the publication of the Paraguayan Centre's first ever volume of...
Interview with Lily Tuck
Copy of "Lily Tuck: Mi libro es, antes que nada ficción; no es historia", Última Hora, 2010. In this interview Lily Tuck, member of the American Centre, speaks about...
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry event
Flyer for an event held by the Paraguayan Centre which discussed the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Whilst working as a pilot in Latin America the French author stayed...
Article on Paraguayan Centre's journal
Copy of Delfina Acosta, "Exsitosa revista del PEN club del Paraguay", ABC Color, 8 January 2012: 4. This article reports on the success of the 22nd edition of the...
Invitation to anniversary celebrations
Invitation to celebrations for the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary, which took place on 19 October 2018 at the Sala Bicameral del Congreso Nacional in Asunción.
Paraguayan Centre's anniversary book
Front cover of the commemorative book published to mark the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary in 2018.
Books by Paraguayan Centre members
Photograph of a selection of award-winning books written by members of the Paraguayan Centre. This photograph was most likely taken in 2018, the year of the Centre's 75th anniversary.
Article on Nelson Aguilera's case
Copy of "El PEN no ve plagio en la novela de Aguilera", Última Hora, 12 October, 2011: 38. This article reports on the Paraguayan Centre's support of Nelson Aguilera,...
Supporting Nelson Aguilera
Photograph of members from the Paraguayan Centre gathered to support Nelson Aguilera, a member of the Centre's Board, who was accused of plagarism in his novel Karumbita: La patriota...
Aguilera's case on Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Banner created by the Paraguayan Centre in support of Nelson Aguilera's case on the 33rd Day of the Imprisoned Writer, 15 November 2014. The image used on the banner...
Latin American PEN Centres meeting in Argentina
Poster for a meeting that took place between the Latin American PEN Centres in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 26-28 July 2018.
Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary
Logo used for celebrations of the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary, which were held on 19 October 2018.
The 58th PEN Congress
Photograph of PEN members at the 58th PEN International Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which was held from 29 November to 4 December 1992 and was titled Man...
Panel at 58th PEN Congress
Photograph of PEN members at the 58th PEN International Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which was held from 29 November to 4 December 1992 and was titled Man...
Nicaraguan Centre announced in La Gaceta
Extract from La Gaceta: Diario Oficial de Nicaragua, Managua, 10 January 2005: 6. This page from La Gaceta - a gazette issued by the Government of Nicaragua publicising laws,...
Arte de Las Palabras workshop
Flyer for a workshop titled El Arte de Las Palabras, which was led by the linguistics professor and journalistic editor Inés Izquierdo. This workshop was organised by the Nicaraguan...
Cultural Journalism workshop
Flyer for a workshop on Cultural Journalism led by the writer and journalist Ulises Huete. This workshop was organised by the Nicaraguan Centre in collaboration with PEN International and...
Democracy and Digital Security workshop
Flyer for a workshop on Democracy and Digital Security, which was organised by the Nicaraguan Centre in collaboration with Fundación Violeta Barrios de Chamorro and held at the Central...
Video journalism and editing workshop
Flyer for a workshop on Video Journalism and Editing with Smartphones, which was given by the journalistic photographer Óscar Navarrete. This workshop was organised by the Nicaraguan Centre in...