Pjesma za izbeglice event
Photograph of the audience at an event that was titled Pjesma za izbeglice (A Poem for Refugees), which took place on World Poetry Day, 21 March, in 2016 in...
Lyrikline event
Photograph of an event that was organised by the Croatian Centre in collaboration with Lyrikline, a online platform for sharing international poetry and literature. This event took place in...
Pjesma za izbeglice poster
Poster advertising an event titled Pjesma za izbeglice (A Poem for Refugees), which took place on World Poetry Day, 21 March, in 2016 in Zagreb. This literary event, which...
Slobodan Novak and Vlado Gotovac
Photograph of Slobodan Novak, on the left, president of the Croatian Centre (1990-2000), speaking with Vlado Gotovac, in the centre, poet, activist and member of the Croatian Centre, and...
Dubrovnik Congress memorial stone
Photograph of a memorial stone and plaque that was created to mark the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1993. This Congress, which took place on 19-24 April...
Vlado Gotovac
Photograph of Vlado Gotovac, member of the Croatian Centre, on the left, and Alexandre Blokh, international secretary of PEN International (1981-98), on the right, at a conference held during...
PEN members arriving at Hvar
Photograph of PEN members disembarking a ship to attend the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik, 1993, which took place from 19-24 April and was titled Place and Destiny....
Congress in the Marin Držić Theatre
Photograph of PEN members and associates on stage at the Marin Držić Theatre in Dubrovnik. This event was held during the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik, 1993, which...
György Konrád in Venice
Photograph of György Konrád, president of PEN International (1990-93), waiting in Venice to board a ship transporting PEN members to the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik, 1993, which...
György Konrád meeting Franjo Tuđman
Photograph of György Konrád, on the left, president of PEN International (1990-93), meeting FranjoTuđman, on the right, President of Croatia (1990-99). This photo was taken by Damil Kalogjera at...
Onstage at the 59th Congress
Photograph of PEN members and associates on stage at the Marin Držić Theatre in Dubrovnik. This event took place as part of the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik,...
Planting olive trees
Photograph of olive trees being planted by PEN members to mark the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik, 1993, which took place on 19-24 April and was titled Place...
The 59th Congress
Photograph of all the PEN members and associates who attended the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik, 1993, gathering on steps in Gundulićeva Poljana - the historical centre of...
Concert on Lokrum Island
Photograph of musicians sitting beside a harpsichord on Lokrum Island, near Dubrovnik. This instrument was shipped onto the island for a concert that took place on 22 April 1993,...
The Croatian Centre's first 90 years
Video created to celebrate the Croatian Centre's 90th anniversary, which was produced by the Croatian Centre and released in Zagreb in 2017. The video presents the history of the...
Ninety years of Croatian PEN Centre book
Copy of Bajsić, Tomica, Vjera Balen-Heidl, Sibila Petlevski, Zvonko Maković, Sanja Roić, Nadežda Čačinovič, Tonko Maroević, et al. 90 godina hrvatskog PEN-a book. Ninety years of Croatian PEN Centre...
Ivan Herceg in Berlin
Photograph of the Croatian writer and actor Ivan Herceg holding a sign that reads "Kome ću se predatija, a kome ti? koliko ćemo mjesta ostaviti usebi jedni za druge...
Speak Now or Never book
Copy of Matan, Branko. Speak Now or Never: The 1933 Dubrovnik PEN Club Congress. Zagreb: Croatian PEN Centre & Most/The Bridge, 1993. This book uses archival material to retell...
Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2018 poster
Poster promoting a literary event that was organised by the Croatian Centre and held in in Zagreb on 15 November 2018 for International Day of the Imprisoned Writer. This...
Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2013 poster
Poster promoting a literary event that was organised by the Croatian Centre and held in Zagreb on 15 November 2013 for International Day of the Imprisoned Writer. This international...
Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2017 poster
Poster promoting a literary event that was organised by the Croatian Centre and held in in Zagreb on 15 November 2017 for International Day of the Imprisoned Writer. This...
Commemorative postage stamp
Front and back of a postage stamp issued by the Republic of Croatia on 19 April 1993, which was in circulation until 1 June 1994. This multicoloured stamp commemorated...
Susjedstvo Riječi poster
Poster for a literary event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighbourhood of Words), which was co-organised by the Croatian, Slovene and Trieste Centres. This event took place on 24 November 2014...
World Poetry Reading event, 2018
Poster promoting the annual literary event titled Svjetsko čitanje poezije (World Poetry Reading), whose 2018 edition took place on 10 December. This event is part of the World Poetry...
Event celebrating Romany literature
Photograph of participants attending an event titled Približimo se romskoj poeziji (Let’s Get Closer to Romany Poetry), which took place on 3 December 2018 in Zagreb. This event was...
Worldwide Poetry Reading in Zagreb
Photograph of writers at a poetry recital that took place as part of the Worldwide Poetry Reading initiative led by the Berlin International Literature Festival. This event was dedicated...
Višnja Machiedo Award plaque
Plaque presented to the winner of the 2018 Višnja Machiedo Award, the Croatian author Ljiljana Filipović, for her essay titled Klub Krivaca. This award is given annually by the...
Transatlantik literary event
Photograph of participants at a literary event titled Transatlantik, which celebrated and discussed the release of a new book by the Angolan author José Eduardo Agualusa titled Teoria geral...
Putevi Bez Povratka poster
Poster promoting a literary event titled Putevi Bez Povratka (Roads Without Return), which was organised by the Croatian Centre and took place on 16 May 2018 in Zagreb. This...
22nd Pula Book Fair
Poster promoting a literary event organised by the Croatian Centre for the 22nd Pula Book Fair. The fair took place in Pula, Croatia, on 4 December 2016 and featured...
Postoji li ženski književni kanon? poster
Poster promoting a literary event titled postoji li ženski književni kanon? (Does a female literary canon exist?), which was organised by the Croatian Centre in collaboration with The Croatian...
Kaldmaa at the 90th Anniversary
Photograph of Kätlin Kaldmaa, president of the Estonian Centre (2010-) and secretary of PEN International (2016-), being interviewed at an event hosted by the Croatian Centre to celebrate its...
90th Anniversary stage
Photograph taken from the auditorium of the Gavella Drama Theatre in Zagreb, showing an event taking place on stage as part of celebrations for the Croatian Centre's 90th/sup> anniversary....
90th Anniversary poster
Poster promoting an event organised by the Croatian Centre to celebrate its 90th anniversary. This event took place on 24-25 November 2017 at the Gavella Theatre in Zagreb, and...
Tishani Doshi at Forest Poets
Photograph of the Indian-British writer Tishani Doshi at an event titled Croatian Enemies in Groznjan: Forest Poets in Istria/Croatia, which was organised by The Enemies Project in collaboration with...
Sibila Petlevski
Photograph of Sibilia Petlevski, vice-president of the Croatian Centre (2017-), giving a talk at an event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighbourhood of Words), which was organised by the Croatian Centre...
Pula Book Fair 2018
Poster created by the Croatian Centre to promote the 21st Pula Book Fair in Pula, Croatia, which was titled Otok, Geto, Azil (Island, Ghetto, Asylum). This fair was held...
Forest Poets event
Photograph of attendees at an event titled Croatian Enemies in Groznjan: Forest Poets in Istria/Croatia, which was organised by The Enemies Project in collaboration with the Croatian Centre and...
The Enemies Project in Croatia
Photograph of members from the UK-based poetry collective The Enemies Project with members from the Croatian Centre and The Croatian Writers Association. This photograph was taken when a collaborative...
Tomica Bajsić reciting poetry
Photograph of Tomica Bajsić, president of the Croatian Centre (2018-), reciting poetry at a literary event dedicated to refugees, which was organised by the Croatian Centre for the World...
Peter Vermeersch
Photograph of Peter Vermeersch, member of the Belgian Dutch-Speaking Centre, giving a talk at a literary conference titled Responsibility of Europe - from Brussels to Congo and back, which...
Narcís Comadira and Begonya Pozo
Poster advertising an event celebrating Catalan literature titled Poetzija Katatalonija (Catalan Poetry), which was organised by the Croatian Centre and took place on 16 December 2016 in Zagreb. Special...
Ivan Colarić at Experience of Pessoa
Photograph of Portugese-Croatian actor and writer Ivan Colarić performing at an event titled Experience of Pessoa. This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as part of...
Experience of Pessoa poster
Poster created by the Croatian Centre to promote a performance by Brazilian artists Thiago Ponce de Moraes and Francesa Ciricelli at an event titled Experience of Pessoa. This event...
Dorta Jagić
Photograph of Dorta Jagić, member of the Croatian Centre, reciting poetry at Poejiza & Subverjiza (Poetry & Subversion). This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as...
Brazilian poets at Experience of Pessoa
Photograph of a group of Brazilian poets and musicians performing at an event titled Experience of Pessoa. This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as part...
Musical duo at Experience of Pessoa
Photograph of Nina Bajsić (on guitar) and Jasmina Bojić (on violin) performing at an event titled Experience of Pessoa. This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and held...
Kirin receiving the Višnja Machiedo Award
Photograph of the Croatian writer Renata Jambrešić Kirin, on the left, receiving the 2015 Višnja Machiedo Award, which is given annually by the Croatian Centre for the best essay...
Bartholomew Ryan at Experience of Pessoa
Photograph of the Irish musician, writer and philosopher Bartholomew Ryan performing at an event titled Experience of Pessoa. This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as...
Experience of Pessoa attendees
Photograph of attendees at an event titled Experience of Pessoa. This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as part of the World Literature Festival, which is...
Veno Taufer
Photograph of the Slovene writer Veno Taufer being interviewed at an event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighbourhood of Words), which was organised by the Croatian Centre and took place in...
Veno Taufer and Sibila Petlevski
Photograph of the Slovene writer Veno Taufer, on the left, with Sibila Petlevski, on the right, vice-president of the Croatian Centre (2017-). This photograph was taken at an event...
Budućnost knjige poster
Poster for an event titled Budućnost knjige (Future of Books), which was organised by the Croatian Centre for their annual Night Book event, and took place on 23 April...
Poetry & Subversion audience
Photograph of the audience at an event titled Poejiza & Subverjiza (Poetry & Subversion). This event was organised by the Croatian Center and was held as part of the...
Poetry & Subversion poster
Poster advertising the programme of an event titled Poejiza & Subverjiza (Poetry & Subversion), which was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as part of the annually celebrated...
Celebrating the 90th anniversary
Photograph of PEN members attending celebrations for the Croatian Centre's 90th/sup> anniversary, which took place in Zagreb in 2017. Among them are: Tomica Bajsić, third on the right, president...
Fazzini and Hirschman
Photograph of participants at a panel event titled Subversive Film: Literature and Freedom, which was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as part of the annually celebrated Subversive...
Literature and Freedom poster
Photograph of a poster being put up to promote an event titled Subversive Film: Literature and Freedom, which was organised by the Croatian Centre and held as part of...
Tjawangwa Dema reciting poetry
Photograph of the Motswana poet Tjawangwa Dema (also known as TJ Dema) reciting poetry at an event titled Poejiza & Subverjiza (Poetry & Subversion), which was organised by the...
Poetry & Subversion guests
Photograph of special guests participating in an event titled Poejiza & Subverjiza (Poetry & Subversion), which was organised by the Croatian Centre. This event was held as part of...
90th Anniversary
Photograph of members of the Croatian Centre celebrating the Centre's 90th/sup> anniversary in Zagreb, 2017. Among them are: Tomica Bajsić, standing at the far left of the back row,...
Jack Hirschman
Photograph of the American writer Jack Hirschman being interviewed at an event titled Subversive Film: Literature and Freedom. This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and held part...
Tjawangwa Dema
Photograph of the Motswana poet Tjawangwa Dema (also known as TJ Dema) being interviewed at an event titled Poejiza & Subverjiza (Poetry & Subversion), which was organised by the...
Ralston Saul at Subersive Film Festival
Photograph of John Ralston Saul, president of PEN International (2009-15), speaking at an event titled Subversive Literature: Engagement Today, which took place as part of the annual Subversive Festival,...
Ralston Saul with Matvejević
Photograph of John Ralston Saul, on the right, president of PEN International (2009-15), with Predrag Matvejević, on the left, president of the Croatian Centre (1980-90). This photograph was taken...
Subversive Festival 2014
Photo of participants at an event titled Subversive Film: Literature and Freedom, which was organised by the Croatian Cente and held as part of the annually celebrated Subversive Festival,...
Čačinovič with Ralston Saul
Photograph of Nadežda Čačinovič, on the left, president of the Croatian Centre (2009-18), and John Ralston Saul, on the right, president of PEN International (2009-15), at a meeting in...
Ralston Saul at Hall World Literature Festival
Photograph of John Ralston Saul, on the right, president of the Canadian Centre (1990-92) and president of PEN International (2009-15), speaking at the Hall World Literature Festival. At this...
Meeting President Ivo Josipović
Photograph of PEN members meeting Ivo Josipović, President of Croatia (2010-15), at an event titled Subversive Literature: Engagement Today. This event took place as part of the Subversive Festival,...
Tomaž Šalamun
Photograph of the Slovenian poet and writer Tomaž Šalamun taking part in en event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighborhood of Words), which was held in Zagreb in 2012.
Neighborhood of Words event
Photograph from above of an event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighborhood of Words), which took place in Zagreb in 2012. Boris A. Novak, then president of both the Slovene Centre...
Austrian Centre at Neighborhood of Words
Photo of participants at an event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighborhood of Words), which was organised by the Croatian Centre and held in Zagreb on 4 December 2015. This event...
Croatian Centre exhibition
Photograph of an exhibition of archival material relating to the Croatian Centre, which was held as part of the Centre's 90th anniversary celebrations that took place in Zagreb in...
Croatian Centre exhibition cabinet
Photograph of an exhibition of archival material relating to the Croatian Centre, which was held as part of the Centre's 90th anniversary celebrations that took place in Zagreb in...
Croatian Centre's anniversary exhibition
Photograph of an exhibition of archival material relating to the Croatian Centre, which was held as part of the Centre's 90th anniversary celebrations that took place in Zagreb in...
Croatian Day of the Dead event
Poster promoting an event organised by the Croatian Centre as part of PEN International's annual Day of the Dead campaign, which commemorates the lives of those journalists who have...
Croatian Centre exhibition
Photograph of an exhibition of archival material relating to the Croatian Centre, which was held as part of the Centre's 90th anniversary celebrations that took place in Zagreb in...
PEN's 11th Congress
Photograph of PEN members and associates at the 11th PEN International Congress in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1933, which was held on 28 May. PEN's principles of unity and freedom of...
11th Congress medallion
Medallion created to commemorate the 11th PEN International Congress in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1933. This medallion was designed by the Serbo-Croatian writer and sculptor Ivan Meštrović.
Board members in Venice
Photograph of Croatian Centre Board members in Venice before boarding a ship to travel to the 59th PEN International Congress in Hvar/Dubrovnik, 1993. This Congress, which took place on...
Croatian Centre logo
The Croatian Centre's logo, showing it's original name in Croatian in red: Hrvatski PEN.
Žmegač receiving Višnja Machiedo Award
Photograph of Viktor Žmegač, on the right, member of the Croatian Centre, receiving the 2014 Višnja Machiedo Award in Zagreb on 27 March 2015. This prize is awarded anually...
Atendees at the Višnja Machiedo awards
Photograph of the audience at the 2014 Višnja Machiedo Awards ceremony, which took place on 27 March 2015 in Zagreb. This prize is awarded annually by the Croatian Centre...
Neighborhood of Words participants
Photograph of the audience at an event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighborhood of Words), which was organised by the Croatian Centre and held in Zagreb in 2012.
Boris A. Novak
Photograph of Boris A. Novak, then president of both the Slovene Centre and PEN International's Writers for Peace Committee, participating in an event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighborhood of Words),...
Boris A. Novak and Tonko Maroević
Photograph of Boris A. Novak, on the left, then president of the Slovene Centre and PEN International's Writers for Peace Committee, and Tonko Maroević, on the right, Board member...
Milan Bandić with Ivica lovrić
Photograph of Milan Bandić, on the left, mayor of Zagreb (2005-), with his advisor Ivica lovrić, on the right. This photograph was taken during an event titled 20 godina...
Berlinskog zida event speakers
Photograph of four key speakers at a panel talk titled 20 godina od pada Berlinskog zida (20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall), which was organised by...
Audience at Berlinskog zida event
Photograph of the audience at an event titled 20 godina od pada Berlinskog zida (20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall), which was organised by the Croatian...
Aleš Debeljak
Photograph of the Slovenian writer and critic Aleš Debeljak speaking at an event titled Susjedstvo Riječi (Neighborhood of Words). This event was organised by the Croatian Centre and took...
Bei Ling
Photograph of Bei Ling, co-founder and president of the Independent Chinese Centre (2013-15), speaking on camera about writers imprisoned in China, including the Nobel laureate and another of the...