Croatian Centre
Peter Vermeersch
Peter Vermeersch
Photograph of Peter Vermeersch, member of the Belgian Dutch-Speaking Centre, giving a talk at a literary conference titled Responsibility of Europe – from Brussels to Congo and back, which took place on 15 May 2012 in Zagreb.
Peter Vermeersch
Photographie de Peter Vermeersch, membre du Centre belge néerlandais, parlant lors d'une conférence littéraire intitulée Responsibility of Europe - from Brussels to Congo and back ayant eu lieu le 15 mai 2012 à Zagreb.
Peter Vermeersch
Fotografía de Peter Vermeersch, miembro del Centro Belga Neerlandés, dando una charla en una conferencia literaria que llevó por título Responsibility of Europe - from Brussels to Congo and back y que se celebró el 15 de mayo de 2012 en Zagreb.