Wilson García Mérida's Empty Chair
Photograph of PEN members at an empty chair event organised by the Bolivian Centre, which took place on 21 March 2019 - World Poetry Day - at the Centro...
Programme of events for new members
Programme for an event organised by the Bolivian Centre titled Programa Ingreso Nuevos Socios, which welcomed new members to the Centre. This event took place at the offices of...
Autocensura en Bolivia Report
Report written in 2015 by Melita del Carpio, secretary of the Bolivian Centre (2017-20), titled 'Autocensura en Bolivia', which was presented at a conference titled Autocensura y Libertad de...
The Bolivian Centre Manifesto
Copy of the Bolivian Centre's 2014 statutes, ff. 14. The first PEN Centre in Bolivia was established in 1931, but after a period of inactivity was declared dormant in...
Report sent to Gloria Guardia
Report written by Melita del Carpio in 2014 titled 'Informe a Gloria Guardia: Cambios en el PEN Bolivia para un nuevo tiempo', ff. 4. In this report del Carpio,...
World Poetry Day 2014
Brochure for a event that was organised by the Bolivian Centre as part of World Poetry Day celebrations and took place in Cochabamba on 21 March 2014. The event...
Annual General Meeting 2013
Photograph of representatives from different branches of the Bolivian Centre at the Centre's Annual General Meeting in 2013, which most likely took place in Cochabamba. Among them are: Gaby...
Annual General Meeting 2017
Photograph of members from different branches of the Bolivian Centre at the Centre's Annual General Meeting 2017, which took place on 9 July at the Sala Angostura of the...
Poetry evening in Cochabamba
Poster advertising a poetry evening organised by the Cochabamba branch of the Bolivian Centre as part of celebrations taking place for World Poetry Day. This event, titled Velada Poética,...
Letter from Latin American Centres to Rafael Correa
Draft of an electronically typed open letter sent by seven PEN Centre presidents to Rafael Correa, 22 February 2012, ff. 2. In this letter the presidents of seven Latin...
World Poetry Day flyer
Brochure advertising events organised by the Cochabamba branch of the Bolivian Centre as part of celebrations for World Poetry Day 2009, which were held in Cochabamba on 23-24 March...
Book launch of Las últimas profecías
Photograph of members and associates from the Bolivian Centre at the launch of Anze, Sisinia Las últimas profecías, Editorial Kipus: Cochabamba, 2012. This event was organised by the Cochabamba...
World Poetry Day 2017
Photograph of members and associates from the Cochabamba branch of the Bolivian Centre celebrating World Poetry Day on 21 March 2017. Among them are: Gaby Vallejo, founder and president...
Celebrating Yolanda Bedregal
Flyer advertising an event held to commemorate the life and work of Yolanda Bedregal, former secretary of the Bolivian Centre. This event was organised by the Cochabamba branch of...
Members meeting in Cochabamba
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members and associates meeting at a restaurant in Cochabamba. From left to right are: Stefan Gurtner; Melita del Carpio, secretary of the Bolivian Centre (2017-20);...
Tribute to Mariano Baptista Gumucio
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members and associates attending an event held in honour of Bolivian historian, journalist, and former ambassador, Mariano Baptista Gumucio. This event was organised by the...
Welcoming new members
Photograph of members from the Cochabamba branch of the Bolivian Centre welcoming new members to the Centre. This event was held at the offices of the Cochabamba based newspaper...
Bolivian writers and filmmakers
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members with Bolivian filmmakers. Seated on the front row, from left to right, are: the filmmaker Werner Guttentag, who moved from Germany to Bolivia in...
Meeting Mariano Baptisa Gumucio
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members meeting the Bolivian historian, journalist and former ambassador Mariano Baptista Gumucio. From left to right are: Pilar Pedraza; Melita del Carpio, secretary of the...
Escritura de Mujer Conference
Front and back pages of a programme for a conference titled Escritura de Mujer, which was organised by the Bolivian Centre (at that time also known as the Committee...
Trilingual newsletter La Red
Front cover of The Network/Le Réseau/La Red, Vol. 8, no. 1 (Spring 2000). This particular edition of the trillingual newsletter created and published by PEN International's Women Writers Committee...
Signario presentation
Photograph of PEN members and associates seated at a presentation of "Territorio de los Signos". PEN Bolivia: Signario, no.3 (September 2009). This journal is one of the Bolivian Centre's...
Launch of Escritores en Cochabamba
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members and associates at the presentation of Alba Fernández, Juan José. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo . Cochabamba: Los Tiempos, 1999. From...
Leer más para ser más books
Photograph of books and notebooks made by students as part of the Leer más para ser más project, a campaign organised by the Bolivian Centre to promote reading in...
IBBY Congress in Bolivia 2012
Photograph of members at the 5th Congreso del IBBY-Bolivia and the 3rd Congreso del IBBY del Sur 2012, which took place during the 5th Feria Internacional del Libro de...
Renato Prada Oropeza
Photograph of the Mexican-Bolivian writer, researcher, and scientist Renato Prada Oropeza (standing in the middle). A tribute to Prada's work was made at the 5th Congreso del IBBY-Bolivia and...
Leer más para ser más Talk
Photograph of Marta Orsini Puente, director of the 'Educación y medios de comunicación' project in Cochabamba, giving a talk at a school as part of the Leer más para...
Front cover of Signario
Front cover of "Territorio de los Signos". PEN Bolivia: Signario, no. 3, September 2009. This magazine is one of the Bolivian Centre's internal publications. The artwork on this...
Mulitlingual Poetry Festival
Photograph of a participant reciting text to an audience at the Multilingual Poetry Festival, an event that was organised by the Bolivian Centre and took place in Cochabamba on...
Con ojos y voz de mujer exhibition
Invitation to the opening of an Ibero-American touring exhibition titled Con ojos y voz de mujer, which took place in the headquarters of the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
2nd Cultural Identity Congress
Photograph of PEN members and literary associates at the Bolivian Centre's 2nd International Congress on Historical Heritage and Cultural Identity, which took place at the Centro Pedagógico y Cultural...
Juan Francisco Bedregal
Photograph of Juan Francisco Bedregal, founder and first president of the Bolivian Centre. Bedregal established the Bolivian Centre in La Paz in 1931 and remained president until it went...
International Book Fair of Cochabamba
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members at the Feria Internacional del Libro de Cochabamba, a book fair which takes place annually in Cochabamba. From left to right are: Oscar Ruiz;...
Literary event at Los Tiempos
Photograph of Bolivian Centre members seated during a literary recital that was held at the Los Tiempos offices in Cochabamba on 11 September 1994. From left to right are:...
Homage to Suárez and Martínez
Copy of "Homenaje póstumo a Suárez y Martínez," Opinión, 18 April . This article, published in the culture section of the Cochabamba based newspaper Opinión, announces an event that...
Conference announced in Los Tiempos
Copy of "Coloquio 'Escritura de Mujeres'...,”Los Tiempos, 7 December 1997. This extract from a larger article announces a conference promoting and championing women’s writing, which was organised by the...
Conference announced in La Razón Cultura
Copy of Eyzaguirre, Gloria. "Las mujeres 'toman' la palabra," La Razón, December 1997. This article, published in the culture section of La Razón, reports on a conference organised by...
Front cover of Teluria
Front cover of Teluria, vol.13, unknown year. The magazineTeluria was founded by the Woman's Committee of PEN Bolivia in 1996 as a space for the words and voices of...
Fiction in Escritores en Cochabamba
Front cover of Fernández, Alba and José, Juan. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo: Narrativa. Cochabamba: Grupo Canelas, 1999. In 1999 the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
Poetry in Escritores en Cochabamba
Front cover of Fernández, Alba and José, Juan. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo: Poesía. Cochabamba: Grupo Canelas, 1999. In 1999 the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
Essays in Escritores en Cochabamba
Front cover of Fernández, Alba and José, Juan. Escritores en Cochabamba. El último año del Siglo: Ensayos. Cochabamba: Grupo Canelas, 1999. In 1999 the Cochabamba based newspaper Los Tiempos...
Article announcing Teluria Magazine
Copy of "Editaron 'Teluria'," Los Tiempos, 22 December 1996. This article announces the establishment of the magazine Teluria, which was founded by the Committee of Women Writers of PEN...
Commemorating Yolanda Bedregal
Copy of a article titled "En memoria de Yolanda Bedregal". This article commemorates the celebrated Bolivian writer and former secretary of the Bolivian Centre, Yolanda Bedregal. The Bolivian Centre...
Oscar Muñoz conference
Press cutting from Los Tiempos titled "PEN Club Femenino auspicia conferencia de Oscar Muñoz" which was published on 26 May 1995. This article announces a conference organised by the...
Committee of Women Writers of the Bolivian Centre
Copy of "Crean en esta ciudad filial del PEN Club Internacional," Opinión, 28 December 1992. This article announces the first Board of directors of the Committee of Women Writers...