Human rights and free expression conference
Human rights and free expression conference
Photograph of the audience at a conference titled Por la Libertad de Expresión y los Derechos Humanos, which took place in Asunción on 2 November 2017 and was held as part of PEN International’s Day of the Dead Campaign – an inititative that was launched on 2 November 2011 as a means of annually commemorating writers and journalists who have been murdered, or who have disappeared, as a result of their work. Emi Kasamatsu, president of the Paraguayan Centre (2007-12; 2017-19), can be seen seated on the right hand side of the front row. This event, which was the first of this kind held by the Paraguayan Centre, featured talks by well-known journalists, poets and radio hosts, and was widely reported upon in the Paraguayan press.