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A Country Too Far anthology

A Country Too Far anthology
Front cover of Keneally, Thomas, Rosie Scott, Kathryn Heyman, ed. A Country Too Far. Melbourne: Penguin Books Australia, 2013. Rosie Scott and Tom Keneally were nominated for The Human Rights Medal for their work in creating this anthology, for which 27 Australian writers contributed works on the theme of being dispossesed.
A Country Too Far anthology
Contenu en français bientôt disponible.
Antología A Country Too Far
Portada de Keneally, Thomas, Rosie Scott, Kathryn Heyman, ed. A Country Too Far. Melbourne: Penguin Books Australia, 2013. Rosie Scott y Tom Keneally fueron nominados a la The Human Rights Medal por su trabajo en crear esta antología, en la que participaron 27 escritores australianos con obras sobre desposesión.