Tibetan Writers Abroad Centre
Fifty years of Tibetan poetry anthology

Fifty years of Tibetan poetry anthology
Front cover of Kyab, Lhamo, Tibetan Writers Abroad Centre, eds. Fifty Years of the Best Collected Poems in Exile. Cowbridge: The Langtail Press, 2012. This poetry anthology was compiled by the Tibetan Writers Abroad Centre and edited by Chabdak Lhamo Kyab, president of the Centre (2004-15), and was first published on 1 April 2012.
Fifty years of Tibetan poetry anthology
Contenu en français bientôt disponible.
Cinquenta años de poesía tibetana, antología
Cubierta de Kyab, Lhamo, Tibetan Writers Abroad Centre, eds. Fifty Years of the Best Collected Poems in Exile. Cowbridge: The Langtail Press, 2012. Esta antología poética fue compilada por el Centro de Escritores Tibetanos en el Extranjero y editada por Chabdak Lhamo Kyab, presidente del Centro (2004-15). Se publicó el 1 de abril de 2012.