Preparing 75th anniversary celebrations

Photograph of members from the Paraguayan Centre having dinner together to plan and prepare celebrations for the Centre's 75th anniversary in 2018. This dinner took place in Bar San...
The Board at Bar San Roque

Two photographs of Paraguayan Centre members in Asunción. On the first Tuesday of every month, the Paraguayan Centre's Board meets at Bar San Roque - an iconic meeting spot...
National Literature Prize ceremony

Photograph of members from the Paraguayan Centre at a ceremony in held in Asunción for the presentation of the 2017 National Literature Prize. Each year, the Centre advises the...
Arsenio López Decoud

Photograph of Arsenio López Decoud, co-founder and first president of the Paraguayan Centre (1943-45). López Decoud, along with twenty-eight other notable Paraguayan writers and academics at the time, founded...
The Centre's literary magazines

Copies of all the Paraguayan Centre's literary magazines published since 2000. The magazine at the front of the display was created for the Centre's 75th anniversary in 2018. In...
Launch of the Centre's magazine

Copy of "El PEN Club de Paraguay presentó su revista", ABC Color, 1 February 1977. This article reports on the publication of the Paraguayan Centre's first ever volume of...
Article on Paraguayan Centre's journal

Copy of Delfina Acosta, "Exsitosa revista del PEN club del Paraguay", ABC Color, 8 January 2012: 4. This article reports on the success of the 22nd edition of the...
Invitation to anniversary celebrations

Invitation to celebrations for the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary, which took place on 19 October 2018 at the Sala Bicameral del Congreso Nacional in Asunción.
Paraguayan Centre's anniversary book

Front cover of the commemorative book published to mark the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary in 2018.
Books by Paraguayan Centre members

Photograph of a selection of award-winning books written by members of the Paraguayan Centre. This photograph was most likely taken in 2018, the year of the Centre's 75th anniversary.
Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary celebrations

Photograph of PEN members and associates gathered for celebrations for the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary at the Sala Bicameral del Congreso Nacional in Asunción. These events took place on...
75th anniversary panel event

Photograph of panellists at an event held for the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary, which discussed Paraguayan literature throughout the ages. Seated from left to right are: Maribel Barreto, award-winning...
Víctor-Jacinto Flecha with commemorative book

Photograph of Víctor-Jacinto Flecha, vice-president of the Paraguayan Centre (2017-), holding a copy of the commemorative book published for the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary. The panel event at which...
Attending the 75th anniversary events

Photograph of PEN members and associates gathered for celebrations for the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary. Emi Kasamatsu, president of the Paraguayan Centre (2007-12; 2017-19), can be seen standing in...
Unveiling the 75th anniversary plaque

Photograph of members from the Paraguayan Centre at a ceremony at which a plaque commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Paraguayan Centre was unveiled. This event took place at...
75th anniversary plaque

Plaque commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Paraguayan Centre. This plaque was unveiled at a ceremony held at Bar San Roque in Asunción - a regular meeting place for...
Anniversary dinner at Bar San Roque

Photograph of members from the Paraguayan Centre having dinner after a ceremony at which a plaque commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Paraguayan Centre was unveiled. This event took...
Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary

Photograph of panellists at an event held to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Paraguayan Centre. Seated from left to right are: Margarita Morselli, Director of Centro Cultural de...
Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary

Logo used for celebrations of the Paraguayan Centre's 75th anniversary, which were held on 19 October 2018.