Malian Centre
Young writers at World Book Day 2018
Young writers at World Book Day 2018
Photograph of young writers taking part in an event held during the Malian Centre’s celebrations for World Book Day, which took place in Timbuktu on 22-23 April 2018. These celebrations were organised in collaboration with Lecture Vivante and comprised poetry recitals, talks and debates. They also paid tribute to the Malian writer and historian Salem Ould El Hajj.
Young writers at World Book Day 2018
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Escritores jóvenes en el Día Mundial del Libro 2018
Fotografía de escritores jóvenes participando en un acto literario organizado por Centro Maliense con motivo del Día Mundial del Libro, en Tombuctú el 22 y 23 de abril de 2018. El evento, organizado en colaboración con Lecture Vivante, contó con recitales poéticos, charlas y debates. También se reconoció la obra de Salem Ould El Hajj, escritor e historiador maliense.