Xiaobo bookstand at Tokyo Congress
Xiaobo bookstand at Tokyo Congress
Photograph of a stand set up to sell books by Liu Xiaobo, co-founder and president of the Independent Chinese Centre (2003-07), at the 76th PEN International Congress in Tokyo, which was held from 25 September to 1 October 2010 and titled The Environment and Literature – What can words do?. Xiaobo, who was imprisoned in Jinzhou prison in North East China at the time, could not attend this Congress, nor the Nobel Prize ceremony held in December later that year at which he was awarded the Peace Prize for his “long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China”.
Xiaobo bookstand at Tokyo Congress
Contenu en français bientôt disponible.
Estanterías de libros de Xiaobo en el Congreso de Tokio
Fotografía de unos estantes preparados para vender libros de Liu Xiaobo, cofundador y presidente del Centro Chino Independiente (2003-07), durante el 76o Congreso de PEN Internacional en Tokio, celebrado del 25 de septiembre al 1 de octubre de 2010 con el título de The Environment and Literature - What can words do?. Xiaobo, encarcelado entonces en la prisión Jinzhou del Noreste de China, no pudo asistir a este Congreso, ni a la ceremonia de los Premios Nobel de diciembre de aquél mismo año, cuando se le otorgó el Nobel de la Paz «por su larga y no-violenta lucha por los derechos humanos fundamentales en China».