Malian Centre
Workshop with students in Segoú

Workshop with students in Segoú
Photograph of students in Ségou taking part in an event titled Caravane de rencontre et découverte de l’autre, which was organised by the Malian Centre and held in the cities of Ségou, Bamako and Markala in 2012. This event comprised writing workshops and activities that discussed and reflected on the theme of brotherhood.
Workshop with students in Segoú
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Workshop with students in Segoú
Fotografía de estudiantes en Ségou participando en un evento titulado Caravane de rencontre et découverte de l'autre, organizado por el Centro Maliense en Ségou, Bamako y Markala, en 2012. Este evento contó con talleres de escritura y actividades de discusión y reflexión sobre el tema de la fraternidad.