Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh Centre
Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh Centre Logo
Swiss-Italian-Reto-Romansh-Logo-1987© Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh Centre
Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh Centre Logo
Logo of the Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh Centre. This logo was most likely designed in or around 1987, when the Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh Centre co-hosted the 50
Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh Centre Logo
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Logo del Centro Suizo Italiano y Romanche
Logo del Centro Suizo Italiano y Romanche. El logo fue seguramente diseñado alrededor de 1987, cuando el Centro co-organizó el 50o Congreso de PEN en Lugano y adoptó su nuevo nombre.