Imprisonment of Václav Havel

Typed press release by the Swiss German Centre titled "Schweizer Schriftsteller und Schriftstellerinnen fordern die Freilassung von Vaclav Havel", 20 January 1989, Zurich, f. 1. This press release contains...
Disappearance of Václav Havel

Typed press release by Hans Erpf for Swiss German Centre titled "Wo Ist Vaclav Havel?", Bern, 8 April 1989, f. 1. In this press release Hans Erpf, general secretary...
Resolution supporting Václav Havel

Resolution issued by the East German Centre (here referred to as PEN Zentrums DDR) in Berlin on 1 March 1989. In this resolution the Centre pledges its support and...
Philip Roth and Günter Grass receive Karel Čapek Awards

Photograph of a ceremony held in Prague in 1994 at which Philip Roth and Günter Grass were awarded the inaugural Karel Čapek Award for outstanding literary achievement. This award...
Cuban writers meeting Václav Havel

Photograph of Cuban delegates meeting Václav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia (1989-92) and first President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003), in Prague on 5 May 2004. From left to right...