PEN International delegation and Russian PEN
Photograph of a delegation from PEN International at a meeting held at the offices of the Russian Centre in Moscow on 8 February 2019. From left to right are:...
PEN members in Moscow in 2012
Photograph of a meeting between PEN members, which took place at the Russian Centre's offices in Moscow on 15 March 2012. From left to right are: Vera Moiseeva and...
PEN International members in Moscow
Photograph of PEN members gathered at the Russian Centre offices in Moscow in 2017. Amongst those standing are: Eugene Schoulgin, third from the left, president of the Writers in...
Ralston Saul at the Russian Centre
Photograph of Russian Centre members with John Ralston Saul, president of PEN International (2009-15), who is seated in the middle of the front row. Ralston Saul visited Moscow and...
Alexandre Blokh and Vladimir Stabnikov
Photograph of Alexandre Blokh, international secretary of PEN International (1981-98), on the left, and Vladimir Stabnikov, first director of the Russian Centre (1989-91), on the right. Blokh, who was...
67th PEN Moscow Congress logo
Logo used for the 67th PEN International Congress in Moscow, Russia, 22-28 May 2000, which was titled Freedom of Criticism. Criticism of Freedom.
67th PEN Moscow Congress booklet
Booklet given to PEN delegates attending the 67th PEN International Congress in Moscow, Russia, 22-28 May 2000, which was titled Freedom of Criticism. Criticism of Freedom.