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Günter Grass Archives

Below - all records matching the selection made by the user (4 posts)

Grass and Aridjis at the 72nd Congress

Photograph of Nobel of Literature Günter Grass, facing the camera, on the left, and Homero Aridjis, president of PEN International (1997-2003), standing, during the 72nd PEN International Congress in...

PEN centre:

Günter Grass at the 72nd Congress

Photograph of Nobel of Literature Günter Grass pronouncing a keynote speech during the 72nd PEN International Congress in Berlin, which took place on 22-28 May 2006 and was titled...

Philip Roth and Günter Grass receive Karel Čapek Awards

Photograph of a ceremony held in Prague in 1994 at which Philip Roth and Günter Grass were awarded the inaugural Karel Čapek Award for outstanding literary achievement. This award...