Proclamation from Miami-Dade County

Certificate representing a proclamation from the mayor of Miami and the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners, which recognises 19 May 2018 as official Cuban Writers in Exile Centre day...
Members and associates in 1998

Photograph of Cuban Writers in Exile Centre members and associates meeting in Miami on 7 March 1998, soon after the Centre was founded, in 1997. From left to right...
Cuban Writers in Exile Centre Logo

Logo of the Cuban Writers in Exile Centre. This Centre was established in Miami in 1997, with Ángel Cuadra as its first president and Octavio R. Costa as honorary...
Fundacion, Exilio y Renacer Talk

Flyer for an event titled El PEN Club Cubano: Fundacion, Exilio y Renacer, at which members of the Cuban Writers in Exile Centre recounted the history of the Cuban...
Elections of the Executive Board

Photograph of Cuban Writers in Exile Centre members organising elections of the Centre's new executive Board. A painting of the Cuban writer José Martí can be seen hanging on...
Cuban Centre Board Elections

Photograph of Cuban Writers in Exile Centre members organising and counting election votes for the Centre's new executive Board. The Centre holds these elections every three years. This photograph...
Members meeting

Photograph of Cuban Writers in Exile Centre members standing behind a table covered with the Centre's flag. From left to right are: Armando de Armas; Armando Álvarez Bravo; José...
Meeting Pia and Cristina Mañach

Photograph of Cuban Writers in Exile Centre members at an event titled Pen Club Cubano: Fundacion, Exilio y Renacer, which was organised by the Centre in collaboration with the...
Article by Ángel Cuadra

Copy of Cuadra, Ángel, "El PEN Club: un alerta a tiempo," Diario Las Americas, 17 July 1999: 5. In this article Ángel Cuadra, founder, president (1997-2006; 2009-17) and honorary...
Article on the 77th Congress

Copy of Cuadra, Ángel, "Congreso del PEN Internacional Belgrado 2011," Diario Las Americas, 24 September 2011: 7. In this article Ángel Cuadra, president (1997-2006; 2009-17) and honorary president of...
Summer 2002 newsletter

Copy of Castillo, Amelia del, et al. "Pen Club de Escritores Cubanos en el Exilio," (Summer 2002): 1. This newsletter from the Cuban Writers in Exile Centre reports on...
15th Anniversary

Photograph of Cuban Writers in Exile Centre members celebrating the Centre's 15th anniversary. This event took place on 13 October 2012, most likely in Miami, where the Centre is...