Mario Vargas Llosa in Bucharest
Photograph of the Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa, president of PEN International (1977-80), at an event organsied by the Romanian Centre and held in Bucharest. Ana Blandiana, founder of...
Ana Blandiana and Czesław Miłosz
Photograph of Ana Blandiana, founder, president (1990-2004) and honorary president (2004-) of the reconstituted Romanian Centre, on the right, with the Polish the diplomat, poet, translator and Nobel laureate...
Ana Blandiana and Casimiro de Brito
Photograph of Ana Blandiana, on the left, founder of the reconstituted Romanian Centre in 1990 and the Centre's president (1990-2004) and honorary president (2004-), with Casimiro de Brito, on...