Online Harassment Field Manual

Printed cover of PEN American Center. Online Harassment Field Manual - PEN America. New York: PEN America, 20 April 2018. This printed page represents the front cover...
Press Freedom Incentive Fund

Flyer (known as 'postcards' in PEN's campaigns) used during the American Centre's pilot 2017-18 Press Freedom Incentive Fund, which aimed to rally citizen activism in order to counter the...
4th Montblanc Literary Gala

Extract from the Vanities section of the magazine Vanity Fair published on 1 June 1990. This page from a larger article titled PEN Pals contains press coverage from the...
The American Centre's first fifty years

Front cover of Chute, Marchette. P.E.N. American Center: A History of the First Fifty Years. 1st ed. New York: PEN American Center, 1972. This retrospective by Marchette Chute, president...