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American Centre Archives

Below - all records matching the selection made by the user (4 posts)

Online Harassment Field Manual

Printed cover of PEN American Center. Online Harassment Field Manual - PEN America. New York: PEN America, 20 April 2018. This printed page represents the front cover...

PEN centre:American Centre  (PEN America)

Press Freedom Incentive Fund

Flyer (known as 'postcards' in PEN's campaigns) used during the American Centre's pilot 2017-18 Press Freedom Incentive Fund, which aimed to rally citizen activism in order to counter the...

PEN centre:American Centre  (PEN America)

4th Montblanc Literary Gala

Extract from the Vanities section of the magazine Vanity Fair published on 1 June 1990. This page from a larger article titled PEN Pals contains press coverage from the...

The American Centre's first fifty years

Front cover of Chute, Marchette. P.E.N. American Center: A History of the First Fifty Years. 1st ed. New York: PEN American Center, 1972. This retrospective by Marchette Chute, president...