Iranian Centre in Exile
Roshanak Bigonah

Roshanak Bigonah
Photograph of Roshanak Bigonah, member of the Iranian Centre in Exile. Bigonah is a poet as well as a graphics and web designer. She studied Education, Technology and Media combined with Video Production and Advertising, and, in addition to her teaching interests, is a poet who has published four volumes of poetry in Farsi – one collection of which was translated into Dutch and German. Bigonah is also the founder and editor of the online poetry magazine Ketabeshear (The Book of Poetry), which publishes poems by poets in the Iranian diaspora.
Roshanak Bigonah
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Roshanak Bigonah
Fotografía de Roshanak Bigonah, miembro del Centro Iraní en el Exilio. Bigonah es poeta y diseñadora gráfica y web. Estudió Educación, Tecnología y Medios, combinado con Producción de Audiovisual y Publicidad. Además de su interés por la educación, ha publicado cuatro volúmenes de poesía en farsi, uno de ellos publicado también en neerlandés y en alemán. Bigonah es fundadora y editora de la revista digital de poesía Ketabeshear (The Book of Poetry), que publica poemas de autores iraníes de la diáspora.