Eswatini guests in Taipei
Photograph of Taipei Chinese Centre members with guests from Eswatini in Taipei on 14 December 1993. Sitting either side of the guests on the front row are Lo Lun...
The Third Asian Writers' Conference
Photograph of writers onstage at The Third Asian Writers' Conference, which was organised and hosted by the Taipei Chinese Centre and held in Taipei on 15-22 June 1970. The...
Taipei International Book Exhibition
Photograph of Taipei Chinese Centre members at a lecture held during the Taipei International Book Exhibition which took place on 13 Febuary 2017. Among them are, from left to...
The Taipei Chinese Centre receiving guests
Photograph of PEN members visiting the Taipei Chinese Centre in 1988. From left to right are: Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙, president of the Taipei Chinese Centre (1985-91) and vice-president...
Nancy Chang Ing
Photograph of Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙, president of the Taipei Chinese Centre (1985-91) and vice-president of PEN International (1975-2017), holding the Autumn 1989 issue of The Chinese PEN -...
Perng Ching-Hsi and G. N. Devy
Photograph of Perng Ching-Hsi 彭鏡禧, standing with the microphone, president of the Taipei Chinese Centre (2006-14), presenting gifts to the Indian literary critic and author Ganesh N. Devy, standing...
Ronald Harwood visits the Taipei Chinese Centre
Photograph of Taipei Chinese Centre members with Ronald Harwood, president of PEN International (1989-93), who visited the Centre on 20 October 1996. From left to right on the front...
Mario Vargas Llosa and Yen Chia-kan
Photograph of Mario Vargas Llosa, president of PEN International (1977-80), visiting President Yen Chia-kan with members of the Taipei Chinese Centre after the 42nd PEN International Congress in 1977....
Taipei Chinese Centre members in Taipei
Photograph of a group of Taipei Chinese Centre members in Taipei in 1983. From left to right are: Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙, president of the Taipei Chinese Centre (1985-91)...
Chen I-chih and Perng Ching-Hsi
Photograph of Chen I-chih 陳義芝 (on the left), secretary general of the Taipei Chinese Centre (2006-14), and Perng Ching-Hsi 彭鏡禧 (on the right), president of the Taipei Chinese Centre...
Chi Pang-yuan and John Balcom
Photograph of Chi Pang-yuan 齊邦媛 (on the left), former editor of the Taipei Chinese Centre's quarterly publication The Taipei Chinese PEN, with the translator John Balcom 陶忘機, on the...
Translators' gathering in Taipei
Photograph of translators at a gathering that took place on 24 April 2004 in Taipei. From left to right on the front row are: Perng Ching-Hsi 彭鏡禧, president of...
Taiwan Literature book launch in Taipei
Photograph of PEN members at the book launch of Pang-yuan, Chi, et al., eds. Taiwan Literature in Chinese and English. Taipei: Commonwealth Publishing, 1999 in Taipei on October 1999....
Taipei Chinese Centre's annual meeting, 2017
Photograph of members at an annual meeting of the Taipei Chinese Centre held in Taipei on 15 December 2017. From left to right are Scott Faul 傅思可 and John...
Taipei Chinese Centre's annual meeting, 2006
Photograph of members at an annual meeting of the Taipei Chinese Centre held in Taipei on 27 December 2006. From left to right are: Kao Tien-en 高天恩; Shou-Fang Hu-Moore...