PEN International actively participated in the establishment of the United Nations (1945) and UNESCO (1946), and contributed from the very beginning to the drafting of the Universal Declaration of...
1st International Congress
Photograph of Catalan Centre members seated at a table during the 1st PEN International Congress, London, 1-3 May 1923. This inaugural dinner of PEN International (known at the time...
Table settings at 1st Congress
Illustrated table settings for the 1st PEN International Congress, London, 1923. This inaugural dinner of PEN International and the earliest established Centres took place in London on 1 May...
Stefan Zweig and Lotte Altmann
Photograph of the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig with his second wife, Lotte Altmann. This photograph was taken in 1937, most likely in London, where the couple met. Zweig settled...
Trilingual newsletter La Red
Front cover of The Network/Le Réseau/La Red, Vol. 8, no. 1 (Spring 2000). This particular edition of the trillingual newsletter created and published by PEN International's Women Writers Committee...
Olden proposes forming a book club
Copy of a typed text written by Rudolf Olden titled "Deutsche Buch-Gemeinde", , 28 August 1939, ff. 4. In this text Olden, secretary of the German-Speaking Writers Abroad Centre...
The Centre's declaration to PEN International
Typed letter from the German-Speaking Writers Abroad Centre to PEN International, , 15 December 1933, f. 1. In this letter four founding members of the German-Speaking Writers Abroad Centre...
Membership List in 1934
Membership list for the German-Speaking Writers Abroad Centre, created on 16 April 1934, most likely in London. The German-Speaking Writers Abroad Centre was officially established after its proposal was...
International Translation Day 2012
Photograph of a group of attendees at a literary event hosted by the English Centre in 2012 on International Translation Day, which is annually celebrated on 30 September. This...
Letter from Dawson Scott to Estonian PEN
Handwritten letter from Catharine Amy Dawson Scott to Estonian PEN, , 1928, ff. 2. In this letter Dawson Scott, founder of PEN International, welcomes the Estonian Centre to PEN...
Adichie receiving the 2018 PEN Pinter Prize
Video of a speech given by the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie upon recieving the 2018 PEN Pinter Prize, which was filmed by the English Centre at a ceremony...
Fifty Fatullayevs protest
Photograph of a protest group gathered opposite the Azerbaijan Embassy in London for a demonstration that was organised by the English Centre in collaboration with PEN International, Amnesty International...
Free Politzeki protest for Pussy Riot
Photograph of a protest taking place outside the Russian Embassy in London in support of the members of the Russian punk rock band Pussy Riot, who were arrested in...
Witness at the British Library
Photograph of Witness by Antony Gormley, a sculpture commissioned by the English Centre in 2011 to mark its 90th anniversary. The sculpture, which depicts an empty chair - a...
Karel Čapek and Otakar Vočadlo
Photograph of Karel Čapek, on the left, founder and first president of the Czech Centre (1925-33), with Otakar Vočadlo, on the right, member of the English Centre and latterly...