Shafak, Whyatt, Leedom-Ackerman

Photograph of PEN members at a meeting held before the 2007 Gathering in Istanbul for Freedom of Expression. From left to right are: the British-Turkish writer Elif Shafak, who...
Şanar Yurdatapan at Istanbul University rally

Photograph of the Turkish journalist Şanar Yurdatapan speaking at a protest rally held at Istanbul University on 11 March 1997. Standing just behind Yurdatapan is Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, international secretary...
Leedom-Ackerman at Istanbul Conference

Photograph of Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, international secretary (2004-07) and vice-president emeritus of PEN International, speaking on the panel of the Initiative for Freedom of Expression during a conference at the...
Rally at Istanbul University

Photograph of Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, international secretary (2004-07) and vice-president emeritus of PEN International, speaking at a protest rally held at Istanbul University on 11 March 1997. To Leedom-Ackerman's left...
PEN members at Istanbul University rally

Photograph of PEN members at a protest rally held at Istanbul University on 11 March 1997. Among them are: Alexander Tkachenko, founding member and general secretary of the Russian...
Panel at WiPC's 6th conference

Photograph of panellists at the 6th conference of the Writers in Prison Committee, which was hosted by the Turkish Centre and held in Istanbul on 2-4 March 2006. From...
Clark and Whyatt at 6th conference

Photograph of panellists at the 6th conference of the Writers in Prison Committee, which was hosted by the Turkish Centre and held in Istanbul on 2-4 March 2006. Karin...
Orhan Pamuk and Sara Whyatt

Photograph of the novelist and Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk, on the left, and Sara Whyatt, programme director (1990-2013) and interim executive director (2010-11) of PEN International, on the right....
"Freedom of Expression in Turkey" conference

Photograph of speakers at a panel event on “Freedom of Expression in Turkey Today”, which was held during the 6th conference of the Writers in Prison Committee. From left...
Clark and Wills in Istanbul

Photograph of members at the 6th conference of the Writers in Prison Committee, which was held in Istanbul from 2-4 March 2006. Karin Clark, chair of the WiPC (2004-09),...
Siems and Tkachenko in Istanbul

Photograph of members at the 6th conference of the Writers in Prison Committee, which was held in Istanbul from 2-4 March 2006. Larry Siems, director of the American Centre's...
The 1st Ural-Altay PEN network Conference in Istanbul

Photograph of the participants at the 1st Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference that took place in Istanbul, in the summer 2009. On the front row, first to the left...
Turkish Centre Board 2018-20

Photograph of the Executive Board of the Turkish Centre, 2018-20. From left to right back to front, with their corresponding positions for this term, are: Haydar Ergülen, Board member;...
Emine and Maside Ocak are awarded

Photograph of two members of Cumartesi Anneleri, 'The Saturday Mothers' - a group of human rights defenders - receiving the 2019 PEN Duygu Asena Award at a ceremony held...
2019 PEN Duygu Asena Award

Photograph of members of the Turkish Centre and members of Cumartesi Anneleri, 'The Saturday Mothers', onstage at the 2019 PEN Duygu Asena Awards ceremony, which was held at Tiyatro...
Cengiz Bektaş receieves 2018 Poetry Award

Photogaph of participants of a ceremony held in Istanbul on 21 March 2018, World Poetry Day, to award Cengiz Bektaş the Turkish Centre's 2018 PEN Poetry Award. From left...
Day of the Imprisoned Writer in Istanbul

Photograph of panellists at a conference organised for Day of the Imprisoned Writer on 15 November 2018 and held at Cezayir Toplantı Salonu'nda (Algeria Meeting Hall) in Istanbul. This...
2018 Duygu Asena Women’s Rights Award

Photograph of attendees of the 2018 PEN Duygu Asena Awards ceremony, which was hosted by the Goethe-Institut in Istanbul on 6 March 2018, two days before International Women's Day....
Shahriar Kabir visits the Turkish Centre

Photograph of members from the Turkish Centre with the Bangladeshi journalist, filmmaker, and human rights activist Shahriar Kabir, who visited Turkey in 2017. From left to right are: an...
Launch of Canımı Yakma!

Photograph of participants on stage at the launch of Çay, Merve, ed. Canımı Yakma! (Don’t Hurt Me!). Istanbul: Kırmızı Kedi Yayınları, 2016. This anthology, which was created by the...
Creative workshop led by Zeynep Aliye

Photograph of the participants of a creative writing workshop held in 2014 and led by Zeynep Aliye, treasurer of the Turkish Centre (2015-), who can be seen standing third...
PEN International press conference in Istanbul

Photograph of PEN International delegates at a press conference held in Istanbul on 15 November 2012. From left to right are: Eugene Schoulgin, president of the Writers in Prison...
Copies of The Turkish PEN

Photograph of a selection of copies of The Turkish PEN, poetry anthologies published by the Turkish Centre. These anthologies were compiled, edited and translated into English by Suat Karantay,...
PEN members on İstiklal Avenue

Photograph of PEN members on İstiklal Avenue in Istanbul in 2008. From left to right are: Ugur Yağmurdereli; Patricia Hirschl, American activist and member of the San Miguel de...
PEN members in Istanbul

Photograph of PEN members visiting Istanbul in November 2014 in order to promote and research a report commissioned by the Norwegian Centre that focused on freedom of expression in...