Dinner at the Guadalajara Book Fair
Photograph of PEN members at a dinner held during the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL Guadalajara) in 2006. Seated from left to right are: the Mexican-American filmmaker Moisés Zamora;...
Martha Cerda
Photograph of Martha Cerda, president emerita of the Guadalajara Centre and chair of the Women Writers Committee (2000-03).
Members at the 63rd PEN Congress
Photograph of PEN members at the 63rd PEN International Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, 7-13 November 1996, whose title was Literature and Democracy. From left to right are: Unknown; George-Emmanuelle...
63rd Congress in Guadalajara
Photograph of a delegate from the Guinean Centre standing with a girl wearing costume. This photograph was taken during the 63th PEN International Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, 1996, which...