Librarians receiving books from the Moscow Centre

Photograph of employees from the Mishkinsky District Library in the Kurgan Oblast region opening a package of new books sent to them by the Moscow Centre. In May 2019...
Demonstration against Runet

Photograph of members of the Moscow Centre protesting against Runet, an online network autonomous from the Internet and under Russian regulations. From left to right: photojournalist Victoria Ivleva; unknown;...
Argument against the approval of Moscow Centre

Typed copy of a document containing three emails from the Saint-Petersbourg Centre, Tatar Centre and Russian Centre, sent respectively on 4, 9 and 20 September 2018, to PEN International....
Moscow Centre supporting Oleg Sentsov

Photograph of members of the Moscow Centre's Board showing their support for the Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov, who was arrested on 11 May 2014 under charges of terrorism and...
Moscow Centre at the 84th Congress

Photograph of the delegates from the Moscow Centre who attended the 84th PEN International Congress in Pune, India, 2018, where the Centre was officially accepted into the PEN family....
European Parliament support Sentsov

Photograph of members of the European Parliament showing their support for Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov, who was arrested on 11 May 2014 under charges of terrorism and sentenced to...
Campaign for Alexey Malobrodsky

Photograph of a demonstrator holding a sign asking for the liberation of Alexey Malobrodsky, a Russian theatre producer who was arrested in June 2017 under charges of fraud as...
Lev Ponomariov at protest rally in 2018

Photograph of protestors taking part in the For Us and Our Children demonstration in Moscow on 28 October 2018, with the human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov standing at the...
Demonstrators at the Embassy of Uzbekistan

Photograph of demonstrators in front of the Embassy of Uzbekistan, in Moscow. This demonstration, which took place on 2 April 2012, was organised by Russian photojournalist Victoria Ivleva, second...
Demonstration for Oleg Sentsov

Photograph of Alexander Podrabinek, Russian journalist, writer and human rights activist, interviewing a participant during a demonstration held by the Moscow Centre on 21 August 2018 in Moscow. The...
Demonstrator advocating for Oleg Sentsov

Photograph of a demonstrator speaking with a passerby during a demonstration held by the Moscow Centre, on 21 August 2018, in Moscow. The demonstrators were asking for the liberation...