Poster for the Alfabetos series
Poster created by the Colombian Centre promoting three volumes of a book series created by fifty Colombian writers and edited by Carlos Vásquez Zawadzki, president of the Colombian Centre...
Nuevas Voces Literarias competition announced at the Hay Festival
Copy of an article titled "Hay PEN en el Hay," in El Universal by Sara Marcela Bozzi. This article reports on the Colombian Centre's participation in the annually celebrated...
Interview with Carlos Vásquez-Zawadzki
Copy (incomplete) of Andrés Pinzón Sinuco, "El PEN Colombia de escritores busca jóvenes talentos," El Universal, 1 Febuary 2015. In this article the Colombian journalist Andrés Pinzón Sinuco interviews...
Article announcing Tertulia Literaria Baldomero Sanín Cano
Copy of Redacción Cultural, "PEN Colombia de escritores presenta libros," El Universal, 24 May 2013. This article announces Tertulia Literaria Baldomero Sanín Cano, a literary event that took place...
Alfabetos Ensayísticos and Alfabetos Narrativos
Front covers of two volumes of Vásquez-Zawadzki, Carlos, ed. Alfabetos Narrativos/Ensayísticos. Bogotá: Caza de libros and Pen International/Colombia, 2013. These books were edited by Carlos Vásquez-Zawadzki, president of the...