Benjamin Crémieux

Photograph of Benjamin Crémieux, then-secretary of the French Centre, addressing the room from a podium. Crémieux visited Buenos Aires in 1930 and was invited to preside over a dinner...
President Justo's reception

Photograph of members from the executive Board of the Argentinian Centre at a reception held by Agustín Pedro Justo, President of Argentina (1932-38). Justo can be seen seated second...
Sophia Wadia and Victoria Ocampo

Photograph of Sophia Wadia, seated in the centre, founder of the All-India Centre in 1933, with her sister, Ditabai, on the left, speaking with Victoria Ocampo, on the right,...
Neruda and García Lorca reception

Photograph of PEN members and Argentinian artists attending a reception held in honour of Pablo Neruda and Federico García Lorca. Neruda can be seen seated second from the left;...
García Lorca at Café Tortoni

Photograph of PEN members at a gathering hosted by La Sociedad Argentina de Autores in honour of Federico García Lorca, who visited Buenos Aires in 1933 to direct the...
Ibarguren and San Martín

Photograph of Carlos Ibarguren, on the right, former president of the Argentinian Centre, meeting Melchor de Almagro San Martín, on the left, an Andalusian writer and delegate from Spain....
Japanese Centre at 14th PEN Congress

Photograph of Japanese Centre members seated with Argentininan Centre members at the 14th PEN International Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1936, which took place on 5-15 September. Carlos Ibarguren,...
Calixto Oyuela and Georges Duhamel

Photograph of Calixto Oyuela, on the left, member of the Argentinian Centre, and Georges Duhamel, on the right, member of the French Centre. This photograph is likely to have...
President Justo's banquet, 1936

Photographie en surplomb des invités et membres du PEN assis aux tables pour un banquet organisé par Agustín Pedro Justo, Président de l'Argentine (1932-38). Le dîner a eu lieu...
Carolina Pombo de Barilari and Manuel Gálvez

Photograph of Manuel Gálvez, on the left, founder and first president of the Argentinian Centre, with Carolina Pombo de Barilari, on the right, an associate of the Argentinian Centre....
Ricardo Rojas

Photograph of the Argentinian writer and journalist Ricardo Rojas, one of the Argentinian Centre's earliest members. Rojas joined the Radical Party after the overthrow of President Hipólito Yrigoyen on...
The First Dinner

Photograph of PEN members attending the inaugral dinner of the newly formed Argentinian Centre (referred to here as the P.E.N. Club Buenos Aires), which took place at the Plaza...
Ricardo Rojas at a writing desk

Photograph of the Argentinian writer and journalist Ricardo Rojas, one of the Argentinian Centre's earliest members. Rojas joined the Radical Party after the overthrow of President Hipólito Yrigoyen on...
Leopoldo Lugones

Photograph of Leopoldo Lugones, an early Board member of the Argentinian Centre. Lugones was an important political and cultural figure in Argentina during the 1920s and 30s, and influenced...
Manuel Gálvez giving a speech

Photograph of Manuel Gálvez, founder and first president of the Argentinian Centre, speaking to an audience. Gálvez, alongside Eduardo Mallea, set up the Argentinian Centre in Buenos Aires on...
Members seated during Congress

Photograph of PEN members at a PEN Congress, with Argentinian Centre members seated at a table. Handwritten captions on the reverse side of the photograph note that amongst them...
PEN Club dinner in 1930

Photograph of PEN members attending a dinner held by the recently formed Argentinian Centre (referred to here as the PEN Club) which was established on 8 April 1930. Handwritten...
The Third Dinner

Photograph of PEN members and associates attending the third dinner held by recently formed Argentinian Centre (referred to here as the P.E.N. Club Buenos Aires) which was established on...
Lugones speaking after the coup

Photograph of Leopoldo Lugones, an early Board member of the Argentinian Centre, speaking from a podium. A handwritten caption on the reverse side of this photograph notes that here,...
Manuel Gálvez

Photograph of Manuel Gálvez founder and first president of the Argentinian Centre. Gálvez was a novelist, poet, essayist, historian and biographer, and founded the Centre alongisde Eduardo...
Luisa Valenzuela and Gabriel Seisdedos

Photograph of Luisa Valenzuela, on the right, president (2016-19) and president emeritus (2019-) of the Argentinian Centre, and Gabriel Seisdedos, on the left, president of the Argentinian Centre (2019-)....