Guest writer Bàssem an-Nabrís

Photograph of a panel discussion hosted by the Catalan Centre in collaboration with the International Cities of Refugees Network's (ICORN) Shahrazad 'Stories for Life' project in Barcelona in 2012....
First members of the Catalan Centre

Photograph of PEN members with the first members of the Catalan Centre. The Catalan Centre was established in Barcelona on 19 April 1923, and this photograph was most likely...
Event with Anna Politkovskaya

Flyer for an event titled Reporter to Txetxènia: com ser testimoni d'una guerra bruta (A Reporter in Chechnya: how to bear witness in a dirty war), which was held...
Declaració Universal dels Drets Lingüístics

Front cover of 'Declaració Universal dels Drets Lingüístics', a declaration that was issued and created by the Institut d’Edicions de la Diputació de Barcelona in April 1998. This declaration...
Press conference in Barcelona

Photograph of PEN members at a press conference held in Barcelona on 21 January 2019. From left to right are: Àngels Gregori, president of the Catalan Centre (2018-), Jennifer...
ICORN meeting for Shahrazad project

Photograph of a meeting held by the International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) and the Catalan Centre in Barcelona in 2013. Barcelona has been a member of ICORN since...
All editions of Catalan Writing

Photograph of volumes 1 to 10 of Catalan Writing, an editorial published by the Catalan Centre in collaboration with the Barcelona based Institut Ramon Llull. This editorial championed Catalan...
Anti-Terrorism, Writers and Freedom of Expression

Photograph of three copies of a report issued by PEN International's Writers in Prison Committee titled Anti-Terrorism, Writers and Freedom of Expression. This report, produced in December 2003, was...
Visat ditigal magazine

Screenshot of Visat online, the Catalan Centre's literature and translation e-magazine, which was launched in 2004 to promote Catalan language and culture. This image shows the layout of the...
Event with Anna Politkovskaya

Photograph of the Russian journalist, writer, and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya, end on the right, participating in a panel event that was organised by the Catalan Centre and...
Final edition of Catalan Writing

Front cover of Catalan Writing, Vol. 10 (November 2011). This is the cover of the final edition of Catalan Writing, an editorial published by the Catalan Centre in collaboration...
Speaker at the World Conference on Linguistic Rights

Photograph of a speaker addressing an audience at the 1996 World Conference on Linguistic Rights. This conference was organised by PEN International's Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee and Escarré...
Girona Manifesto on Linguistic Rights

Photograph of members at a meeting organised by the Catalan Centre and PEN International's Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee, which took place on 11-13 May 2011 in Girona. At...
TLRC meeting in Barcelona

Photograph of a meeting organised by PEN International's Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee, which took place on 21-23 April 2015 in Barcelona. At this meeting the Quebec Declaration on...
World Conference on Linguistic Rights

Photograph of speakers at the World Conference on Linguistic Rights, which was organised by PEN International's Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee and Escarré International Center for Ethnic Minorities and...
PEN International in La Vanguardia

Copy (fragmentary) of "El XIII Congreso internacional de Pen Clubs: la sesion inaugral - Discursos de Pompeo Fabra y H.G. Wells," La Vanguardia, 22 May 1935: 7-8. This article...
Members at the 13th Congress

Photograph of PEN members and associates at the 13th PEN International Congress in Barcelona, 1935. Among them are: Clementina Arderiu, second from the left of the first row; Carles...
1978 International Conference

Photograph of panel speakers at the Catalan Centre's International Conference, which took place at the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona in October 1978. Among them, from left to right,...
1st International Congress

Photograph of Catalan Centre members seated at a table during the 1st PEN International Congress, London, 1-3 May 1923. This inaugural dinner of PEN International (known at the time...
Table settings at 1st Congress

Illustrated table settings for the 1st PEN International Congress, London, 1923. This inaugural dinner of PEN International and the earliest established Centres took place in London on 1 May...
Hosting the 1935 Congress in Barcelona

Telegram from the Catalan Centre to the English Centre, , 18 May 1933, f. 1. In this telegram the Catalan Centre puts forward a proposition from their member Josep...