The Government Palace in Ulaanbaatar
Photograph of the Ural-Altay PEN Network members taken on 7 July 2011 in front of the Government Palace building, in Ulaanbaatar, city where the 3rd Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network...
Ural-Altay PEN Network members in Ulaanbaatar
Photograph of the Ural-Altay PEN Network members taken on 7 July 2011 in front of the Government Palace building, in Ulaanbaatar, city where the 3rd Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network...
Participants at the 3rd Ural-Altay PEN Network Conference in Mongolia
Photograph of the participants at the 3rd Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference, which took place on 2-8 July 2011 in Ulaanbaatar/Höshöö Tsaidam. This conference gathered speakers of the Ural-Altaic...
Ural-Altay PEN Network members in Mongolia
Photograph of the Ural-Altay PEN Network members taken on 2 July 2011, most likely in the Orkhon Valley, during the 3rd Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference, which took place...
The «La Richesse» Museum in Bakhchysarai
Photograph of the participants at the 4th Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference in front of the Музей «Ларишес» («La Richesse» Museum), which exhibits Crimean Tatar antiquities, in Bakhchysarai. The...
Uyghur Centre members in Crimea
Photograph of members of the Uyghur Centre, most likely taken during the 4th Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference, which took place in Simferopol on 17-21 June 2012. This conference...
Takeaki, Abdurusul and Ralston Saul in Crimea
Photograph taken on 19 June 2012, during the 4th Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference, which took place on 17-21 June 2012 in Simferopol. From left to right: Takeaki Hori,...
Participants at the 4th Ural-Altay PEN Network Conference in Simferopol
Photograph of the participants at the 4th Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference, which took place on 17-21 June 2012 in Simferopol. Standing in the middle of the photograph, with...
Uyghur Centre in Bakhchysarai
Photograph of members of the Uyghur Centre taken in the town of Bakhchysarai during the 4th Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference, which took place on 17-21 June 2012 in...
Hemrayew and Elkun in Budapest
Photograph of Hamit Hemrayew, president of the Uyghur Centre (2014-), on the right, and Aziz Isa Elkun, secretary of the Uyghur Centre (2017-), during the 2nd Congress of the...
The Uyghur Centre in Budapest
Photograph of members of the Uyghur Centre taken during the 2nd Congress of the Uyghur Centre, which happened simultaneously with the Ural-Altay PEN Network Conference on 20-24 February 2011...
Abdurusul and Elkun defend Nurmuhemmet Yasin
Photograph of Kaiser Abdurusul, president of the Uyghur Centre (2006-14), on the left, and Aziz Isa Elkun, secretary of the Uyghur Centre (2017-) posing in front of a banner...
Uyghur Centre's second Congress
Photograph of the participants at the 2nd Congress of the Uyghur Centre, which was held simultaneously with the Ural-Altay PEN Network Conference on 20-24 February 2011 in Budapest. In...
The Uyghur Centre in Mongolia
Photograph of members of the Uyghur Centre posing in the Orkhon Valley on 2 July 2011. The Uyghur Centre was participating in the 3rd Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference...
The 1st Ural-Altay PEN network Conference in Istanbul
Photograph of the participants at the 1st Ural-Altay PEN solidarity network Conference that took place in Istanbul, in the summer 2009. On the front row, first to the left...
The first issue of the Uyghur PEN Magazine
Front cover of the Uyghur PEN Magazine, no. 1 (January 2013): 100. This is the front cover of the first issue of the Uyghur PEN Magazine, published by the...