Ghanaian Centre
PEN Youth Club exchange
PEN Youth Club exchange
Photograph of a group of students from O’Rilley Senior High School in Accra with a collection of materials that were received from students in London as part of a school exchange. This initiative was organised by the Ghanaian Centre in collaboration with the English Centre to promote the activities of the PEN Youth Club, a creative writing programme for students created by the Ghanaian Centre in 1998 – the first to be established by an African PEN Centre.
PEN Youth Club exchange
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Intercambio de PEN Youth Club
Fotografía de grupo de alumnos del instituto O'Rilley Senior High School de Accra con materiales recibidos de parte de alumnos londinenses, resultado de un intercambio escolar. Esta iniciativa fue organizada por el Centro Ghanés en colaboración con el Centro Inglés para promover las actividades del PEN Youth Club, un programa de escritura creativa para estudiantes creado por el Centro Ghanés en 1998, el primero de este tipo en ser implementado por un Centro PEN africano.