Meza on television broadcast
Meza on television broadcast
Photograph of Dina Meza, co-founder and president of the Honduran Centre, appearing on a televised news broadcast. Here, Meza was speaking to press at a conference titled Los Crimines Contra Periodistas Impulsan el Silencio en Honduras, which was organised by the Honduran Centre in collaboration with PEN International and took place on 5 December 2018 at the Hotel Real Intercontinental in Tegucigalpa. This conference aimed to call attention to the extent to which crimes committed against journalists in Honduras have caused a chilling effect upon free expression throughout the country, and particularly focused on commemorating Juan Carlos Argeñal, a Honduran journalist who was murdered on 7 December 2013 for disseminating news about local government corruption. The Honduran Centre, alongside PEN International and other PEN Centres, supported Argeñal’s case and campaigned for justice on his behalf.