Kurdish Centre new Executive Board 2013
Kurdish Centre new Executive Board 2013
Photograph of the newly elected Kurdish Centre’s Executive Board on stage at the Centre’s 8th annual general meeting, which took place in Diyarbakir-Amed on 18-19 May 2013. Significantly, this was the first time the Kurdish Centre had been able to peacefully hold a meeting in their own country. From left to right, with their newly appointed corresponding roles at that time, are: Buhar Muftî, member; Dilşa Yûsûf, chair of the Women Writers Committee; Kakşar Oremar, secretary general; Salih Kevirbirî, member; Bêrîvan Doskî, vice-president; Şêxmûs Sefer, president; Îrfan Babaoglu, chair of Writers in Prison Committee; and Omer Fîdan, chair of the Writers for Peace Committee.