Krikorian, Onderoglu and Whyatt at the UN
Photograph of human rights defenders outside the United Nations Office at Geneva in 2010. From left to right are: Alexis Krikorian, director of Freedom to Publish at the International Publisher’s Association (2007-13) and head of Foundations at Amnesty International (2019-); Erol Önderoğlu, Reporters Without Borders representative in Turkey; and Sara Whyatt, programme director (1990-2013) and interim executive director (2010-11) of PEN International. Whyatt headed PEN International’s freedom of expression programme at its offices in London for over 20 years during which time she has become a specialist in the challenges faced by writers in Turkey. In 2011 Whyatt and Krikorian authored a joint statement from PEN International and the International Publisher’s Association titled For the Sake of Freedom of Expression in Turkey, IPA and PEN International Demand Immediate Release of Publisher Ragıp Zarakolu.
Krikorian, Onderoglu and Whyatt at the UN
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Krikorian, Onderoglu y Whyatt en la ONU
Fotografía de defensores de los derechos humanos en las oficinas de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra, 2010. De izquierda a derecha: Alexis Krikorian, director de la Freedom to Publish at the International Publisher's Association (2007-13) y jefe de Fundaciones en Amnistía Internacioanl (2019-); Erol Önderoğlu, representante de Reporteros sin Fronteras en Turquía; y Sara Whyatt, directora de programa (1990-2013) y directora ejecutiva interina (2010-11) de PEN Internacional. Whyatt dirigió el programa de libertad de expresión de PEN Internacional desde sus oficinas en Londres durante más de 20 años, durante los que se convirtió en experta en los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los escritores en Turquía. En 2011, Whyatt y Krikorian escribieron una declaración conjunta de PEN Internacional y la International Publisher's Association titulada For the Sake of Freedom of Expression in Turkey, IPA and PEN International Demand Immediate Release of Publisher Ragıp Zarakolu.