Independent Chinese Centre
ICPC registration certificate
15900© NYS Division of Corporations, State Records and UCC / ICPC
ICPC registration certificate
Typed certificate of registration from the New York State Division of Corporations, State Records and UCC, 5 April 2004, ff. 3. This legal document certifies that the Independent Chinese Centre is a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organisation whose purpose is to unite Chinese writers and whose principles and objectives are in line with those outlined by PEN International’s Charter.
ICPC registration certificate
Contenu en français bientôt disponible.
Certificado de Registro del ICPC
Certificado mecanuscrito de registro dela New York State Division of Corporations, State Records and UCC, 5 abril 2004, ff. 3. Este documento legal certifica que el Centro Chino Independiente (ICPC, por sus siglas en inglés) es una organización no gubernamental, apolítica y sin ánimo de lucro, cuyo propósito es unir a escritores chinos, y cuyos principios y objetivos están alineados con los de PEN Internacional.