Article in Charlie Hebdo no. 1189
Pages 8 and 9 of Charlie Hebdo, no. 1189, Paris: 6 May, 2015 showing an article titled Anti-Charlie de tous les pays, unissez-vous!, which is surrounded by cartoons by...
Translation scheme announced in P.E.N. News
Extract from P.E.N. News, November 1928: 6. This particular issue of P.E.N. News contains an article titled "Translation Scheme" that reports on a recent agreement made between what...
Article in Euzko Gogoa
Online copy of Ibiñagabeitia, Andima."PEN euskal bilkura," Euzko Gogoa, no. 2, July 1951. This article is an e-version of an article originally written in 1951 and published in...
4th Montblanc Literary Gala
Extract from the Vanities section of the magazine Vanity Fair published on 1 June 1990. This page from a larger article titled PEN Pals contains press coverage from the...
The Cosmopolitanism of the P.E.N. article
Copy of Wadia, Sophia, ed. "The Cosmopolitanism of the P.E.N.," The Indian P.E.N. 2, no. 8 (1 August 1936): 1. This article from The Indian P.E.N., the All-India Centre's...
H.G. Wells in Bombay article
Copy of "H.G. Wells in Bombay," The Indian P.E.N. 5, no. 1 (1 January 1939): 1. This article, published in The Indian P.E.N., the All-India Centre's original internal editorial,...
Resolution published during 'The Emergency'
Copy of "P.E.N. In the Emergency," The Indian P.E.N. 56, no. 7-9 (1995): 30. This supplement from The Indian P.E.N. contains a reprint of a resolution that emerged as...
First edition of The Indian P.E.N.
Copy of "Why a P.E.N. Club in India?," The Indian P.E.N. 1, no.1 (7 March 1934): 1. This is the cover page of the first ever The Indian P.E.N.,...
Dehli Centre celebrates Sophia Wadia
Two pages from The Indian PEN, including one photograph and the first page of Keith, Joseph Joel. "The Golden Year" The Indian PEN 26, no.5 (May 1960): 1. The...
Free Speech article in The Indian P.E.N.
Copy of Wadia, Sophia, ed. "The P.E.N. Stands for Free Speech," The Indian P.E.N. 6, no. 12 (1 December 1940): 1. In this article, published in the All-India Centre's...