Delegates in Ourense

Delegates in Ourense
Photograph of delegates between meetings during the 82nd PEN International Congress in Ourense, Spain, which was held from 26 September to 2 October 2016. From left to right are: Tülin Dursun, general secretary of the Turkish Centre (2015-); Zeynep Oral, president of the Turkish Centre (2015-); Jennifer Clement, president of PEN International (2015-); unknown; Tarık Günersel, Board member of PEN International (2010-12) and president of the Turkish Centre (2007-09); Alix Parodi, secretary general and treasurer (2016-21) and president of the Suisse-Romand Centre (2021-); and Dalmira Tilepbergen, president of the Central Asian Centre (2007-16). The title of this Congress was Building Literary Bridges.