Melbourne Centre
Cover and introduction of The Attic
15905© Alex Skovron / Jacques Rancourt
Cover and introduction of The Attic
Front cover, introduction, and back cover of Skovron, Alex and Rancourt, Jacques. The Attic. Melbourne: PEN Melbourne, 2013. This book of poetry by Alex Skovron, with translations into French by Jaques Rancourt, contains poems that were presented at a literary event titled The Attic, which was held during the IFLIT/Light in Winter Festival in Federation Square, Melbourne, in June 2012. This event, which focused on the art of translating poetry, was organised by the Melbourne Centre’s Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee.
Cover and introduction of The Attic
Contenu en français bientôt disponible.
Portada e introducción de The Attic
Portada, introducción y contraportada de Skovron, Alex and Rancourt, Jacques. The Attic. Melbourne: PEN Melbourne, 2013. Este libro de poesía de Alex Skovron, con traducciones al francés de Jacques Rancourt, contiene poemas que fueron presentados durante un evento literario titulado The Attic, en el marco del IFLIT/Light en el Winter Festival de la Federation Square de Melbourne, en junio de 2012. Este evento, centrado en el arte de traducir poesía, fue organizado por el Comité de Traducción y Derechos Lingüísticos del Centro de Melbourne.