Sierra Leone Centre
2nd issue of Junior PEN Point
2nd issue of Junior PEN Point
Front cover of Sierra Leone PEN, Junior PEN Point 1, no. 2 (March 2010): 1. This is the cover of the second issue of Junior PEN Point, the Sierra Leone Centre’s magazine for young writers. This particular issue is titled Making PEN School Clubs Interesting and contains photographs of activities held as part of the Centre’s schools clubs programme, which aims to encourage reading and writing amongst young people.
2nd issue of Junior PEN Point
Contenu en français bientôt disponible.
2o número de Junior PEN Point
Portada de Sierra Leone PEN, Junior PEN Point 1, no. 2 (Marzo 2010): 1. Esta es la portada del segundo número de Junior PEN Point, la revista del Centro de Sierra Leona para jóvenes escritores. Este número en particular fue titulado Making PEN School Clubs Interesting y contiene fotografías de las actividades organizadas dentro del programa de clubes escolares del Centro, que incentiva la lectura y la escritura entre los jóvenes.